Info corrections govt nz.
Info corrections govt nz Corrections. nz search: Electronic Monitoring; Community Probation Service Centres or; Prison Remand Units. As detailed in clauses 108 and 109 of the Corrections Regulations, when considering requests Corrections must: Email: inspectorate@corrections. Any prisoner or staff member can request a transfer of a prisoner to another prison by making a request to a Corrections Officer (CO) in their unit. Personal information shared publicly will be moderated to protect your privacy, the privacy of the people we manage, and our staff. Waikeria Prison is set in a 1200 hectare site near Te Awamutu in the Waikato. All emails are read prior to being given to the person. nz The New Zealand Corrections Journal VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1, JUL. If you wish to be part of the Community Liaison Group please contact bopengagement@corrections. nz or email our team at careers@corrections. | Each day our team of 10,000+ people across 150 sites nationwide deliver mahi to be the change. Data on the number cases of COVID-19 being managed in prisons over the previous month. Department of Corrections Private Bag 1206 Wellington, 6140 Email:media@corrections. nz . This Official Information policy describes how Corrections will ensure it meets its obligations under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) and will comply with initiatives to increase the availability of official information to the people of New Zealand. nz if you an an enquiry about unwanted prisoner mail. nz) location in New Zealand , revenue, industry and description. Frequently Asked Questions. Security classification: Minimum to maximum security men Year established: 1968. On 24 July 2015, Serco's contract to run the Mount Eden prison was revoked due to numerous scandals and operation was given back to the New Zealand Department of Corrections. There is only one purpose to our work: the wellness & wellbeing of people. Contact details. Email: CorrectionsJournal@corrections. Learn more about Information victims can receive; Complaint resolution. If you have any questions please contact: southernrecruitment@corrections. If you are on a community based sentence or order, please contact your local Community Corrections site. In the subject line type in the person’s full name and their Person Record Number (PRN) if you have this. This page shows statistical information on the: Number of prisoners in each location by custody status; Total prison population; Breakdowns of the prison population by We're looking for more good people to join our whānau and help us achieve and deliver our mahi - Kotahi anō te kaupapa: ko te oranga o te iwi There is only one purpose to our work: the wellness and well-being of people. Corrections has a number of controls in place to minimise risks relating to the spread of COVID-19 in the community and in prisons. To do so, requesters should contact the site at which the image was collected before the retention period has elapsed. Visits@corrections. UPDATED: 14 February 2022 Corrections is moving to a new provider for electronic monitoring. Phone: (07) 872 6700 Postal address: www. For all enquiries regarding Electronically Monitored Bail, please contact 0800 EM BAIL (362 245) or email emteamadmin@corrections. Oct 7, 2024 · investigate all deaths of people who are in Corrections’ custody; carry out other investigations where necessary and monitor situations where there are concerns; Watch the video for more information about the Office of the Inspectorate from Chief Inspector Janis Adair. nz or For general inquiries, please contact us at info@corrections. Guidelines and more information. Contact details for media, career, em bail, website and national office enquiries. More information about the Department of Corrections complaints process is on their Complaints Resolution website (external link). Queries should be made in writing and sent to Department of Corrections National Office, Private Box 1206 Wellington 140 New Zealand or email info@corrections. Victim Information Manager Department of Corrections Private Box 1206 Wellington 6140. It also includes a full job listing for all of the current frontline and National Office vacancies. It is one of the country's largest prisons. How we consider requests. How electronic monitoring works An electronically monitored offender/defendant lives at an approved address at all times and, if on a full curfew, can only leave the residence if they have permission to leave for an approved purpose, such If you are not sure which prison the person is now in, you can email info@corrections. BSSManukau@corrections. The Communications Service Desk is the first point of contact for all journalist enquiries. pdf (PDF, 94KB) Position Description nrcflegalvisits@corrections. nz Wellington District Court, Hutt Valley District Court and Porirua District Court BSSWellington@corrections. It should clearly outline the concern, and what has already been done to resolve it. There are certain times when registered victims receive information from Corrections. Together with one prison run as a public private partnership, these prisons operate under the direction of the National Commissioner Corrections Services. Nov 6, 2024 · We strive to make our recruitment process fair and inclusive, and we encourage applicants to discuss reasonable accommodation with us if required at southernrecruitment@corrections. Postal address: PO Box 1206 Wellington 6140 New Zealand. If you want to find out more about a career with us, visit careers. nz or email our team at MahiWaikeria@corrections. Learn more about Managing COVID-19 at Corrections; Monthly COVID-19 cases. 1 First name(s) Role applying for Reference number Female Current employee of Corrections New Zealand European Other Pacific Peoples Employed in Public Sector Other European Southeast Asian • A discussion document outlining the proposals in more detail is available at www. The official Facebook page of the New Zealand Department of Corrections. After hours 3. nz: Rotorua/Taupō/Tokoroa We are trying to break the cycle of re-offending by identifying and working with people who are most likely to re-offend. nrcfvisitorapps@corrections. See full list on corrections. [47] You can also write to us with the following information: the full name of the person you want to contact, and any other names that they might be known by; the person’s date of birth; your name; the reason for the enquiry; your postal address. » We need a “Tax Invoice” not a receipt. The department does have its own procedures for dealing with prisoners property claims; however a prisoner is able to lodge a claim with the Disputes Tribunal at any time. 4 KB Your contact details are recorded in a secure database that is only accessible by the staff responsible for providing you with information. There is more information on the www. nz Auckland District Court BSSAuckland@corrections. nz website (Electronic Monitoring). Otago Corrections Facility is one of 17 public prisons in New Zealand. Call 0800 345 006 or email mailcomplaints@corrections. Stay on topic The Victim Information Manager Department of Corrections PO Box 1206 Wellington. Community based sentence or order enquiries. The desk operates Monday - Friday between 8. We have legal responsibilities to protect the information of people we manage and must gain their consent before we can release information. Further information on victim notification is available on the Department of Corrections website present in my urine, higher than the accepted international standard as defined by the Australia / New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4308:2008. nz We will be working with the service provider on the set up of the service. Visitor bookings. Post: Office of the Inspectorate Department of Corrections Private Box 1206 Wellington 6140. We collect your name directly from you or from your bank to ensure accurate records of each trust account are maintained and to assess deposits for approval. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. corrections. nz and type “Electronic Monitoring” in the search box. We apologise BSSManukau@corrections. Phone: (04) 460 3365. careers@corrections. To book a visit call 0800 256 566 or email: Auckland. Queries. All media inquiries should be directed to media@corrections. MBIE has information for suppliers that is part of a government initiative to help suppliers better engage with government and support good procurement practice. How can I find out more about electronic monitoring? www. It must clearly show the words “tax invoice” in a prominent place, the name and GST 23 September 2020 C124483 Tena kee - Thank you for your email of 20 July 2020, requesting various information relating to transgender and gender diverse individuals in custody. Job details Job reference: We have legal responsibilities to protect the information of people we manage and must gain their consent before we can release information. nz: Auckland District Court. Conclusive reasons to withhold official information Legislation; Prejudice New Zealand’s defence, security or international relations. Find out more on our website or talk to one of our staff at court. People who wish to carry out research with our staff, people we manage, at our facilities or using our data require approval from the Research and Evaluation Steering Committee (RESC) to proceed. The probation officer will listen to you, but they decide what goes in the report. Information about a sentenced offender: write to the Victim Information Manager, Department of Corrections, Private Box 1206, Wellington 6140 or email complaints@corrections. Please use our postal address when sending mail. I want to * ask a question, get advice or provide feedback; possible. The prisons operate in four regions Northern, Central, – Lower North, and Southern each led by a Regional Commissioner. [46] Serco was ordered to pay $8 million to the New Zealand government as a result of problems at Mount Eden Prison while it was under Serco's management. Please provide as much detail as possible to ensure that we are able to assist you effectively. Information for other roles (non-Corrections Officer). Contents. The probation officer will recommend a suitable sentence, but it is the judge’s Dec 11, 2024 · Should you require a special request i. Puna Tatari - Special Treatment Unit at Spring Hill Corrections Facility; Waikeria Prison General information. Individuals can ask Corrections for access to any footage that includes them. nrcfphonebookings@corrections. 00pm. notification@corrections. nz Email: info@corrections. You can contact the company by email at webmaster@corrections. nz to find out more about the role of Corrections Officer, check out our videos and articles for awesome motivation. We have a unique opportunity to work with offenders and their whānau to address negative behaviours, reduce Please refer to Corrections [Official Information Act Guide] for additional guidance on managing OIA requests, including situations where it is necessary to withhold official information. nz: Rotorua/Taupō/Tokoroa 23 December 2020 C127759 s9(2)(a) Tena koe-Thank you for your email of 21 October 2020, requesting information about people in prison receiving alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment and rehabilitation. We manage about 40,000 offenders; 10,000 of them are being held in 18 prisons and the remaining 30,000 are managed in the community, serving a community-based sentence or order. The complaint should include the name of the prisoner or offender, the prison they are at and the relevant PC. Find out if Corrections can help you, make a complaint, or find suggestions for other options. As a victim you have rights, and Corrections will work with you to ensure that you and your rights are respected, as described in the Victims Code. This page shows statistical information on the: Number of prisoners in each location by custody status; Total prison population; Breakdowns of the prison population by Victim Information Manager Department of Corrections Private Box 1206 Wellington 6140. The report is also based on information from the court and risk assessments. Read more When you make a deposit, we collect your information to ensure we meet the requirements for trust accounts under regulation 41(1) and 43(1) of the Corrections Regulations 2005. Ara Poutama Aotearoa supports a wide variety of research and values evidence-based insights and practice. Editorial Mt Eden Corrections Facility; Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility; Auckland South Corrections Facility Show child pages. View Department of Corrections New Zealand (www. 4 KB: 27/04/2021 C132138 – Gangs in New Zealand prisons PDF, 105. ‘Kotahi anoo te kaupapa, ko te oranga o te iwi' ‘There is only one purpose to our work: the wellness and wellbeing of our people. All requests for telephone appointments with tane relating to: Bail Support, External Agency assessments, Accommodation provider interviews and Lawyers phone calls. ISSN 2324-4313 (Online) Practic ä e ealan rrectio o – VOLUME , ISSUE 2: DECEMBER 2016. same number is used each time a person goes to prison. Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Both the email and hot line are staffed weekdays only. Phone: 0800 603 240. Section 6 (b) This section contains useful information for journalists. no swear words, no gang related content. Thank you for your email of 5 October 2020, requesting information about the Mt Eden Corrections Facility; Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility; Auckland South Corrections Facility Show child pages. Phone: 0800 225 697 Email: inspectorate@corrections. Jan 3, 2025 · provide treatment programmes, education, job training and support to rehabilitate people and reduce the likelihood of them re-offending. The Department of Corrections: email victim. investigates all deaths of people who are in Corrections’ custody; carries out other investigations where necessary and monitors situations where there are concerns; To find out more visit the Office of the Inspectorate website. 3. Contact the Inspectorate. Visiting prison Each prison has its own visiting arrangements. Email: media@corrections. 04 November 2024 Consultation on the topic of Corrections’ Long-Term Insights Briefing write to the Victim Information Manager, Department of Corrections, Private Box 1206, Wellington 6140 or email complaints@corrections. You can do so by email, at: info@paroleboard. Page · Government organization. Advice will be provided to Ministers later this year Last week, two Corrections staff were recognised for their extraordinary contribution to New Zealand at the Public Service Day Awards ceremony in Wellington. e. Feb 14, 2022 · If you require urgent/emergency assistance after 5pm on weekdays or on the weekend contact the Corrections Services team on 0800 555 677. 00am and 5. Eprisonermecf@corrections. Section 6 (a) Prejudice any international government or organisations entrusting information to the government on a basis of confidence. Nov 5, 2024 · If you want to find out more about a career with us, visit careers. Some of our roles are based at on our 18 prisons around the country, while others at our community corrections centres, regional offices or our National Office. In addition, Corrections puts some unit record data into the Statistics New Zealand Integrated Data Infrastructure. 5 KB: 07/04/2021 C131079 – Assaults on prison staff PDF, 169. By being prosocial role models, our Corrections Officers also play a significant part in creating change and making our communities safer. All visitor applications and application enquiries only. Sending letters. 16 March 2023 C164863 . Corrections Officers work inside our prisons and are responsible for ensuring the security and wellbeing of people serving sentences or on remand. For advice regarding any highly complex or sensitive OIA requests, please refer to: National Office MINISTERIAL SERVICING team via email info@corrections. nz: Rotorua/Taupō/Tokoroa The Department of Corrections (Corrections) is committed to transparency and accountability. We want to ensure you have the information and support you need, when you need it. Prison operations; The contract; Contract management; Community forums; Spring Hill Corrections Facility Show child pages. It’s likely the first men won’t be onsite until April 2023 at the earliest. Postal address: National Office Department of Corrections PO Box 1206 Wellington 6140 New Zealand Contact us on (04) 460 3000 or info@corrections. 03. Job reference: APA/1820528Q Location: Southland (Murihiku) Date posted: 06-Nov-2024 Application close date: 28-Feb-2025 Attachments: Corrections Officer Job description. Kotahi anō te kaupapa: ko te oranga o te iwi. Voice messages can be left after hours and staff will respond. Probation is when someone is released from prison or is serving a community sentence. nz New Zealand Police, Oranga Tamariki, Te Arawhiti, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Ministry of Health, and the Treasury. Please tell me the grounds for leave (eg due to the prisoner's terminal illness,. 'Kotahi anō te kaupapa: ko te oranga o te iwi' 'There is only one purpose to our work: the wellness and wellbeing of people'. nz Invoicing information Please provide receipt of payment to the applicant – they will have the cost reimbursed if appointed into the role and must hold onto this record. complaints@corrections. This allows Corrections and other researchers to combine offender information with data from a range of organisations (such as health and education data) to provide the insights government needs to improve social and Managing COVID-19 at Corrections. Corrections provides writing paper and envelopes, and pays for standard postage for up to three letters per week. Access to victim information is restricted to: victim information manager; victim notification coordinators; authorised New Zealand Parole DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ARA POU TAMA AOTEAROA 12 February 2021 C127276 Tenakee. nz. Learn more about Complaint resolution Dispute Tribunal Hearings. Dec 11, 2024 · Should you require a special request i. 2 Family name 3. Something else? Nov 17, 2020 · For more information, visit www. nz When you make a deposit, we collect your information to ensure we meet the requirements for trust accounts under regulation 41(1) and 43(1) of the Corrections Regulations 2005. nz You requested: 1. @corrections. nz Fax: (04) 460 3208. They induct people into their unit, help them to navigate life in prison, and supervise daily routines. New Zealand Corrections Careers, Job search, Register. Supplementary Information Form. nz Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm Please note that booking visits must be made by 12pm Friday the week prior. This includes written information as well as photos and videos. Tēnā koe. Any information that may need to be withheld will be done so in line with Corrections works to make New Zealand a better, safer place by: protecting the public from those who can cause harm reducing re-offending. The Department of Corrections is responsible for managing some of New Zealand’s most challenging citizens. Victim Information Manager Department of Corrections Private Box 1206 Wellington 6140 Ph: (04) 460 3064 Fax: (04) 495 8436 Email: victim. If the person you are seeking is in prison, we provide your details to them and ask for their consent to release their location and Person Record Number (PRN). I understand that a urine specimen will be collected and the drugs being tested for are cannabinoids, opiates, amphetamine type When you make a deposit, we collect your information to ensure we meet the requirements for trust accounts under regulation 41(1) and 43(1) of the Corrections Regulations 2005. You can find more information about Otago Corrections Facility at www. Who can access victim information. Dispute Tribunal Hearings. Waikato; Hamilton District Court, Huntly District Court, Te Kuiti District Court, Te Awamutu District Court : BSSWaikato@corrections. Post: Victim Information Department of Corrections PO Box 1206 WELLINGTON 6140 At Corrections, we know the enormous impact being the victim of crime can have on your life. Proactive release 21 I will proactively release this Cabinet paper within 30 days of the final Cabinet decisions. • A survey on the proposals is available on the Corrections website and you are also welcome to submit written feedback to LegislationAmendments@corrections. Any queries or concerns about this advice can be forwarded to: info@corrections. Related resources Otago Corrections Facility is located in Balclutha, New Zealand. The guide: provides an overview of the government market; describes the rules and processes that For more information about compassionate release, you may wish to contact the New Zealand Parole Board directly. There are strict rules on language and content i. BSSAuckland@corrections. 3 KB: 12/04/2021 C130408 – 2018/19 Wellbeing Budget for the Māori Pathways Initiative PDF, 298. Mayfair House, 44-52 The Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand (or +64(4)460-6101 outside NZ) Contact us online. nz Christchurch District Court BSSChristchurch@corrections. if you have any questions please email our team at northernrecruitment@corrections. 02 Transfer requests. Aug 5, 2024 · C133685 – Australian citizens in New Zealand prisons PDF, 422. nz or. The New Zealand Department of Corrections works to make New Zealand a better, safer place by protecting the public from those who can cause harm; and reducing re-offending. Use our online form if you have an issue with any aspect of our work. Contact us. 2 How did you find out about working for Corrections? 2. Thank you for your email of 8 February 2023 to the Department of Corrections – Ara Poutama Aotearoa, requesting information about Corrections’ recruitment campaign. If we need any details from you, we’ll ask you to direct message us or email info@corrections. 2. nz or by phoning our National Office at (04) 460 3000. The Department of Corrections, Ara Poutama Aotearoa, holds a wide range of official information relating to our functions of administering prison and community-based sentences and orders as imposed by the Courts and New Zealand Parole Board and assisting individuals’ rehabilitation and reintegration into the community. nz ISSN 2324-4313 (Online) Practic M e ealan rrectio o OLUME 5, ISSUE 1: ULY 217 3. The Victim Information Manager will acknowledge the complaint and then refer the complaint to the service/s concerned for investigation. Puna Tatari - Special Treatment Unit at Spring Hill Corrections Facility; Waikeria Prison In the meantime we would encourage you to view our careers site careers. Please include details of the person you don’t want calls from, and your phone number so we can take it off their list. nz Department of Corrections NZ | 23,006 followers on LinkedIn. 6 KB C132138 Appendix One PDF, 209. nz Managing COVID-19 at Corrections. Papapkura District Court and Pukekohe District Court: BSSPapakura-franklin@corrections. Requesting research access. ' More information If you have questions about how you can help, you can talk to the principal facilitator of the team running the group, or the facilitator of the programme. If a prisoner wants to send a fast post letter or a parcel, they must pay for this themselves. We have hundreds of roles at Corrections, covering a diverse range of career areas, from healthcare professionals to trade instructors. nz Bail Support Services will be rolling out to more locations around the Mar 22, 2023 · Under the Official Information Act, I request: - All copies of workforce planning work not limited to business cases, reports and modelling related to workload of electronic monitoring in the monitoring center - All documents relating to the use of online apps relating to electronic monitoring - All documents relating to the national electronic monitoring field services procurement plans Corrections’ general terms and conditions. You can update your details by phone, email or post. How many times has compassionate leave been granted to serving prisoners. We support them to address their offending and gain skills to help them lead a crime-free life. Mar 4, 2001 · M. , laptop or disclosure documents, please contact Sector Services on sectorservices@corrections. Our careers website contains information about the benefits of working at Corrections as well as role profiles, job descriptions and frequently asked questions about some of our many frontline roles. Tono ināianei | Apply Now. Each week we manage 8,500 people in prisons and 30,000 offenders in our communities. Offenders usually have to follow standard and maybe special conditions if they are in the community. 01 number (if known). govt. Section Three: Tirohanga Tauanga - Statistical Info Section One: Te Tuunga - Job 2. For project inquiries, please contact waikeriaproject@corrections. Research has shown that re-offending is not reduced simply by incarcerating people who offend, or by increasing the harshness of their sentences. Otago Corrections Facility is working in Government agencies activities. View. You can contact the company at 03-417 9300. 04. Email: victim. Safety is our number one priority for our employees and offenders therefore the information collected here is used to assess any Information victims can receive. xwat dkltr auuw gnclb adxlr ymorrzo wym bfrj tgyi ofy emtit llkrgy hkdtro zcxza wwhnd