Veeam backup fails My Client system: Debian 10. 8GB used of 678GB free, backing up to a 1TB external hard disk with 931GB If Veeam Backup & Replication was deployed using a local administrator account, and the hostname was changed after the software was installed, the entry for that local account within the pg_ident. 0 Update 3 is available from 08-Oct. I know I can do it the other way, Volume Level backup, but would prefer a way to override the "unable to perform entire" since they are totally separate disk, thus the first The Cloud Gateway(s) cannot resolve the SP Veeam Backup Server using DNS, or the Cloud Gateway(s) are unable to communicate internally or through the DMZ to the SP Veeam Backup Server. The job can't retry the incomplete replica. 3)In Veeam B&R User-interface right-click on the new repository and choose “Rescan” option. change the In the upcoming Veeam ONE v6. 837 P20210525 (upgraded to 11 from 10) Case ID : #04905246 Backup schedule job failing after upgraded to Version 11 Now i right click on the job and go to Start - It says "waiting for rescan of server", then fails saying "Unable to process LocalServer: Host scan is required" Keep in mind that once the host is added via backup job you can go to Inventory node > Manually Added protection group to perform required actions or edits on the host (i. I do have a config backup. But when I try to target it for a backup job, I get "access is denied". In this case, the backup proxy will be able to use the Virtual Appliance transport mode for writing replica data to target. Your direct line to Veeam R&D. " A backup job for a Windows machine being processed using Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows fails during the disk read operation with either of the following errors: The system cannot find the file specified. jurgens » Wed Sep 20, 2023 4:23 pm 1 person likes this post A sev 1 ticket opened with Veeam will definitely get you better results than posting on a forum and hoping the OP sees and shares the hotfix with you. The Backup in italy runs very well. Both failed with same error: Error: Shared memory connection was closed. I tried several things to resolve this problem (Re-Install, recreate Veeam Database, Backup to NAS vs. When looking in Event Viewer, I looked under the Applications and Services Logs tree and the failed job is given an Event ID of 190 with this message, “Job details: Error: Agent: Failed to process method {NasMaster Before retrying backup on failing VM’s go to the path on the repository, rename the folder containing most recent backup of failing VM’s. I went about a month with no backups as I turned veeam off and then noticed some issues on my shared box with access rights. In Veeam, go to ‘backup and replication’ tab->backups->disk, right click the failing job, then “delete from disk” ( don’t worry, you have renamed the folder so you will only remove the entry As both jobs fail, I assume that the permissions on the SMB share are wrong. Backup job fails after vmotion to different host. If RPC is testing successfully, it is generally acceptable for I recently changed the domain admin password due to a senior member of the team leaving and now my Veeam backups are failing. 0. 0-10-amd64 11/9/2020 11:01:43 AM :: Failed to perform managed backup One last follow up on this issue. If the Veeam Backup & Replication Console is inaccessible, manually collect the service logs from C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup on the server where the service is failing to start. Vitaliy S. Exception from server: The device is not ready. Ensure that all Cloud Gateways can resolve the DNS for the SP Veeam Backup Server. I have installed the community edition of VBR 12, and configured my backup repository. 4 x64 kernel: 4. Failed to write data. Everything went well until it tried to create some indexes on the pg-database - there it failed with a duplicated index message. I have a Backup Copy job that had 60 restore points. Backup files health check has been completed Failed to perform backup file verification Error: File does not exist. - when I do enter the path as: \\szuflada\backups\my_machine it magically works. 03. I am currently in the process of triggering the warnings in cooperation with the organization concerned. Veeam Backup & Replication, however, cannot add firewall exclusions to hardware or third-party software firewalls. The issue described in this article only occurred when using the initial Veeam Backup & Replication 12. Additionally, taking a My backup job began failing on 27-Jul-2019. - Veeam Office 365 is installed on a MS Win Server 2012 R2 VM with latest updates/patches - The proxy I'd like to add is a Win Server 2012 R2 backup file server with latest updates/patches (it is also being used for Veeam Backup & Replication successfully) - The environment is a Workgroup environment (no domain) First we have local Backup Job in Hot Add Mode to this virtual machine. VMware vSphere. Backup has failed for a number of VMs . log and see if there’s anything in those to help pinpoint the issue. 1. 2023 22:07:55 Failed Failed to verify backup file Error: Stopped by job '[Name of Backup Copy Job]' (Backup Copy) Agent failed to process method {Signature. Since a couple of days the local backup job stucks at "getting info from vSphere". Running Windows Server 2019 as a standalone Hyper-V server. - in the wizard I can enter name and password, and it is accepted, but when I start the actual job it is claiming bad username / password and backup job fails. In VMware environments, Veeam Backup & Replication can use two methods to connect to a guest: RPC or VIX. - c) Server A actually backs up itself (Veeam repository excluded) to the Veeam repository with endpoint backup - d) Veeam B+R running on Server A backs up Veeam repository to tape - Step c fails sometimes while reading files of the VMware data recovery (which is not active at that moment). If it fails to start, create a support case and include the file: Backup job fails, indicating that a file is locked by another process/task. 1 and now the Veeam Backup Service won't start with Error 1064: An exception occurred and event: Service I was trying to backup a physical machine and the backup job failed. That account should have sufficient privileges to all objects related to the VM being backed up. Hyperv and veeam are in workgroup. Initialize and format the temporary disk you attached in Step 2 just as you would any other disk in that operating system. I'm using a UNC path but when I try to connect I get 'Failed to Get Disk Free space' I can map a network drive using the same UNC and credentials from the Windows Server that VEEAM is running on without issue. The issue seems to lie on the custom port, Veeam doesn't handle custom ports even if you stage on the target. With these being on separate disks, I want to backup to the 2nd and 4th disks respectively. I tried today to backup a physical workstation, but it keeps failing. Here you can find some information and a possible course of action: I have a backup copy job who fail because one of the file to archive is not present in the NAS. 5 which is working just fine for my VM's. But, this time, post multiple reboot too backup is failing. If this option is not selected, connection to Enterprise Manager will be performed using the account being used to It's definitely the absence or wrong version of one of the three components installed to a windows server that is a backup target. conf file will be invalid. Asynchronous read operation failed Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Also under Backup Infrastructure\Managed Server\servername I changed the password on the VMWare admin 17. Disable any unused gateways. I created a new service account and added it within Veeam under users and roles with domain admin rights. 159 or 8. A backup job for a Windows machine being processed using Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows fails during the disk read operation with either of the following errors: The system cannot find the file specified. 5 Update3 Instances to 9. See logs for details. The console may indicate specifically what file is locked. I changed the winrm settings so i can manage the hyperv form my veeam server sith Server Manager, i can connect with WMI. Veeam Backup & Replication I'm evaluating Veeam Backup and Replication v. localhost backup fails #03561872. As you have an Ubuntu server, I can add it as a Veeam backup repository and scan it successfully. 16-Jun-16 3:23:41 PM :: Error: Failed to create snapshot: Backup job failed. If it fails to delete, reboot, or resolve the file lock. SyncDisk}. I changed the restore points to 40 instead I've upgraded Veeam Backup & Replication from version 11 to 12. I feel the reason is veeam is not able to identify details such as hostname and credentials. 5 which integrates with Veeam B&R v6. This occurs only for Spain and Switzlerand. ik never had issues with hyperv 2016 to connect to from Veeam. " Where do I see the logs ? thanks. 5 Update 4 on a Windows Server 2016 VM. If you're not a Veeam ONE user yet, please consider taking a look at it once 6. I’m pretty sure it’s Veeam because it wasn’t happening before veeam and every time this happens veeam’s backup has failed. Hi,I have recently inherited a site using Veeam Backup & Replication V12One of the components of a Backup Copy Job is failing with the following errorCannot proceed with the job: existing backup meta file 'XXX-XXX-DC01_764B4. Return to “Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365” After upgrading Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 to v8 (builds 8. Job details: Error: Remote deployment and management is available for licensed agents only. Cannot create a shadow copy of the volumes containing writer's data. Modern Auth: Fails to connect to EWS. vbk]. VP, Product Management Posts: 27475 Liked: 2827 times "When you configure a new backup repository, Veeam Backup & Replication offers you to change the configuration backup file location from the default backup repository to the new backup repository. For example, if the hostname was changed from WIN Yes, they are. 8, so admittedly I'm not Hi @spider32 I’m facing also the issue that logs are not truncated but I’m considering the following things to upgrade the VBR version to the latest build and upgrade all the Veeam components. What's funny: the folder for backup is created by veeam, it is only empty. Transports: [nbd];Read Only: [true]] failed because of the following errors: Failed to open disk for read. The Jobs are configured in the following way for example for one of them who fails: Installed Veeam B&R 10a for a customer, we got Veeam 10 running for other customers without any issues but this one drives me crazy. DNS and Firewall ok too. Veeam Backup and Replication Failed to mount files: Mounter is in 'failed' state Mount Process aborted Agent failed to process method (Mount. Agent-based backup of Windows, Linux, Max, AIX and Solaris machines. Top. but i cannot connect to hyperv form veeam to backup the virtual machines. iso. It is a CIFS share on a Synology NAS. 310_20241201. In v8 has significant architecture changes to support huge environments and moving away from the v7 and previous config database to PostgreSQL, and using NATS for queuing the backup of the separate objects is another one (also proxy pools, make sure you read up on that if you have a bit of a Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: SureBackup Job fails of Veeam Backup & Replication. tpcomp Novice Posts: 8 Liked: never Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:03 pm If the SQL Server service (or the database) is not available, the Veeam Backup service will fail to start. There is not enough space on the disk. It's better backup the machine using image level backups and then copy the backup to the tape. Volume backup was C: drive approx. The device is not ready. x version) Best, Fabian. One of the new features and enhancements is this: Linux Support for the following additional SSH ciphers: aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr, aes192-cbc and aes256-cbc. nl » Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:12 am this post It seems indeed a known issue which sometimes can occur when the Analytics with Veeam ONE are activated. Backup fails periodically. Agent failed to process method DataTransfer. ) Is this a File to Tape backup? If so, you shouldn't use file to tape to backup OS driver. Using Veeam for replicating from backup source, if the replication job fails for any reason (such as network blip), when job re-tries to run we get "Restore point found, but is older than previously replicated one". When trying to configure a new Hyper-V backup job, Veeam gives me a message to say that it cannot connect to the ADMI Looking for your valid inputs on this VEEAM backup error, “Error: Failed to open VDDK disk” ( is read-only mode - [true] ) Failed to open virtual disk. I then ran the Veeam. ; Transfer the data you want to restore to that disk. Failed to download disk. Error: Failed to connect to the port [DR-ServerName:2500]. R&D Forums. Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer. vbm' on repository 'XXX-XXX-BK02 - VMs' is not synchronized with the DB So far so good, give it a try. Click Yes, and Veeam Backup & Replication will automatically change the backup target in the configuration backup job settings and will use this Regarding Warning in VMware Environments. Created the share and assigned permissions. I created new Backup job instead one of the failed but with the same result. As the machine only fails with local Backups, i dont think that the sql Express matters. There is no rhyme or day pattern I can tell of this happening since it’s every 5 days that it happens. Not a support forum! I don't know why today it did not work on a new Workgroup server I wanted to add to Veeam Backup & Replication. iso) was made available, which contains a check that stops the installer from proceeding if the Windows I had an agent job that was not working. Solution Information regarding Veeam Backup & Replication licensing can be found in the user guide here: Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Backup fails reporting There is not enough space on the disk of Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows. SyncDisk. Support Case #05141257 The Veeam Backup Service is unable to start. I added the ESXi hosts and their VMs in my environment to the console, as well as the necessary credentials. Failed to upload disk. Identification of the process that is locking the file(s) must ta Re: Failed Configuration Backup Post by dali@iae. It recently ran out of space on my cloud storage where this backup is mapped to. What am I doing wrong? Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Failed to create persistent connection to ADMIN$ of Veeam Backup & Replication. Synthetic full requires you to read blocks from previous backup files and send them back as a new full backup file. 6. On 2024-12-16, a new ISO (VeeamBackup&Replication_12. Symbiot78 Influencer Posts: 19 Liked: 1 time Joined: Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:24 am Full Name: Martin Rask Thomsen. Currently using Veeam Backup and Replication Build 11. 1st is 500GB, 3rd is 1TB. GenericMount; \ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\<restore-name>. Take note : DR-ServerName is a proxy for offsite backup and my other sites are using this proxy and have no issues. Update the pg_ident. It says that it Rescans the Agent successfully, but then it fails on the actual backup. I looked Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Failed to backup file of Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Veeam Backup & Replication. I installed the Agent on the workstation and created the Backup job through the Veeam console. They are all SSDs. 310_20241211. Everytime it fails with "unable to process server: host rescan is required" Veeam Backup & Replication. 254. 1 is included in the Veeam Backup & Replication setup, but we strongly recommend to download and install the latest PostgreSQL 15. I would advise troubleshooting the situation at the SQL Server level, you can also try to open a support case with Veeam. *Retry the Backup Job*: - After refreshing the metadata, retry the backup job to see if the issue persists. Veeam Server I'm really new to linux systems and try to get my veeam backup running. 5, we will have predefined alarms for backup/replication jobs that will ignore failures on retries and will send only 1 notification per each job session. Prior to that I'd been running regular backups for months without incident. Since a few days the Veeam agent service gets stopped during the daily backup and the backup fails. Re: Backup fails after VM migration Post by veremin » Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:04 am this post As long as objects are added to the job via vCenter, there shouldn't be any issues with VM migration, since vCenter connection makes jobs vMotion aware. I've installed Veeam Backup and Replication 9. SQL server/VM is a WS 2019 core. Maintain control of your Microsoft 365 data. i still waiting for an info what exactely this key does. Exception from server. I already had this case but Veeam is really slow in supporting their customers. Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: [SOLVED] Domain Controller backup job fails of Veeam Backup & Replication. Re: V12: Retention job fails backup, backup also blocks retention job Post by tyler. Dynamic Port Configuration. Backup Fails on VMs with VMware Tools The 4 that will create the backup: Running Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V: Version 6. Both are up to date regarding updates. File: [\\xxxxx\archives\xxxx_archives_external\xxxx_externalD2020-01-05T000000_Y. davidb1234 Expert Backup job fails after vmotion to different host. I’m trying to run the full backup and you should try to change the job schedule time and disable the job re enable again and check the server role in DB as well. Search. Not a support forum! Skip to content. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. does it affect something else? I installed a new hyperv 2019. As the VM has no network connection, you must use local or cached credentials. - This can help resolve any underlying issues with the file's metadata that might be causing the backup to fail. jbennett Enthusiast Posts: 33 Liked: 12 times Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:47 pm Full Name: Justin Bennett Location: Los Angeles, CA. exe which actually showed what was going on and gave me a message about the Backup Proxy service not stopping. The virtual backup proxy must be registered on an ESX(i) host that has a direct connection to the target datastore. Will try to uninstall end reinstall on Sunday. 14393 Any guidance on why this is not working on my 2016 server would be wonderful. 96 The 3 that will not: Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V: Version 10. Number of already processed blocks: [238892]. FAQ; Main. The server is in a workgroup. 5 comes out. Yesterday I 5x Veeam 9. I hope someone in here may have same issue and get the knowledge sharing. While it is uncommon, it is possible to reconfigure dynamic port allocation following the steps outlined in the following Microsoft KB article Connect to the Guest OS of the Instant Recovered VM. e. For Veeam Backup & Replication to add a remote Windows machine as a managed server or as part of a Protection Group, the user account used to connect to that remote machine must work with the UAC remote restrictions. Also, I should note on the 2016 servers Veeam is backing up like 9 other VM's I have running on them. Weird! (PostgreSQL 15. Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs. 5 Update 4 Now I have a failed job names ‘Rescan of manually Added’ scheduled 9:00 pm at all all of them “Veeam_MP The Rescan job 'Rescan of Manually Added' has finished with Failed state. Not a support forum! (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE) 15 posts • Page 1 of 1. I just wanted to say I ran into the same issue upgrading to 6. . ; When all data you need to retrieve is on the extra VMDK, edit vSphere Web Client Plug-In. For shared folder backup repositories, you should use active full backups instead of synthetic full. Backup Copy Jobs failing. 2. 19. Usually we used to take a reboot when the failure occurs and backup used to run fine post the reboot for a few days. Does anyone have any experience with Linux/Ubuntu shares? Top. 14 posts • Page 1 of 1. The error seems to be that there is not enough disk Does your organization use Veeam Backup & Replication? To combat and prevent Veeam backup failure, check out these tips. After that we perform a backup copy job to the HQ in Germany. 200), an incremental backup or a backup copy job protecting SharePoint, OneDrive, or Teams data fails with the error: Cannot find object Backup fails periodically. Asynchronous read operation failed Failed to upload disk. The agent shows online. Failed To work around this issue, configure the backup software to attempt NBD directly instead of attempting SAN-based backup first, or ensure the correct block devices are present on the backup proxy server prior to attempting a SAN-based backup. The backups will run fine the other times. Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE) 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. My B&R server is able to browse my datacenter offsite and its SAN I'm trying to add a new backup repository. With Active Full data is only transferred once. HKLM\Software\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication create new DWORD and name it "UseGranularBcdRestore" and set value to 0 now create a new backup and the dc in the surebackup job will run fine again. 1) Veeam Backup Transport 2) Veeam Installer Service 3) Veeam Backup vPower vNFS (only gets created when creating repository with the check box next to "Enable vPower vNFS") @G_Mellor Good thinking! @techK This might indeed be the issue. danswartz Veteran Posts: 266 Liked: 30 times Joined: Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:53 pm Full Name: Dan Swartzendruber. Agent failed t Please help me in getting fix this issue. Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Configuration database is corrupted of Veeam Backup & Replication Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Powershell Fails to connect to O365 of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 Veeam Backup & Replication. conf file with the new hostname for all local user accounts. The data will be transferred twice over network. I don't have a license for it so it's the Community Edition. Backup to locally attached USB drive etc. Moderator: removed log snippets as per forum policy Veeam Version : 11. 3. The only way to get it to re-replicate the failed VM is to make another backup at source. I see that Veeam Backup & Replication 8. Unable to install backup agent: cannot connect to <servername> Error: Access is denied. But I also needed to change the policy As long as VMs are added to backup console via vCenter, backup server should be vMotion aware and you shouldn’t encounter any issues after VM migration. mcz Veeam Legend Posts: 945 Liked: 222 times Joined: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:39 am Full Name: Michael Location: Rheintal, Austria 1)In Veeam B&R User-interface create a new repository on a new volume. @Andreas Neufert Backup server is WS 2016. When Configuring Plug-in Settings there is an option to use Password based authentication, which allows a specific account to be assigned to communicate with the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager REST API service. I'm currently using Veeam B&R 9. (Either collect all files from that folder or all files that begin with 'svc'. So the last 3 failures occured on Fri 6/7; Wed 6/12; Mon 6/17. Even they miss the what version i used in my Veeam. Dave-Departed or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond [IP of remote Veeam server]:2500 Processing '<DAG Server>' Error: The remote procedure call failed RPC function Egor Yakovlev Product Manager Posts: 2589 Liked: 712 times Joined: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:30 am Full Name: Egor Yakovlev Location: Prague, Czech Republic During the final stage of the update, it failed during the 8th faze of starting the services. A Veeam Backup & Replication job fails with either of the following errors: Error: Not enough licenses. Veeam Backup & Replication. But the agent wont allow me to. All VM's in failed Backup jobs work well in Replication jobs and all Backup jobs worked well previous night. Quick links. Products. 3 ISO named VeeamBackup&Replication_12. FullRecheckBackup}. Error: Unable to process the workload: your license has been exceeded Cause The limits of the installed license have been exceeded. If you find that the Veeam Backup Service on the Veeam Backup Server is not started, start it. A VSS critical writer has failed. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. Not a support forum! Standalone backup agents for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris workloads on-premises or in the public cloud. 3. I am running the community edition of B&R, have a configured schedule for entire machine. When I run the backup job containing only the agent system (added to my primary protection group via hostname), the backup starts, moves to building host list, then finishes with a warning "Nothing to process. However, it seems that vCenter added to backup console didn't know about the new host and about the fact that certain VMs had been migrated to it, thus, backup jobs failed. The account must be either: Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Rescan of physical Linux machine fails of Veeam Agents for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris. Servers & Workstations. ) In addition to Veeam logs, please also collect Windows Event logs. 837 installed on a Windows Server 2019 Hyper-V machine. Backup Fails on VMs with VMware Tools Quiescence Enabled. The agent system was online under inventory and rescans were successful. when I look at the report for the job it says "Job has failed. 2)In your OS manually copy/paste previous backups from former repository to the new one. The customer just got one physical server and i am trying to set up a proper backup but it won't start the backup task. Hi all. Fixed that, came back into veeam and set it back You can find the backup job log and take a look and see what process causes the error: KB1832: How to Collect Logs for Veeam Backup & Replication. Backup365. rgj Influencer Posts: 15 You can gather logs via Help -> Support Information, or go to "C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\" When a vCenter Server or standalone ESXi host is added to the [Backup Infrastructure] section of Veeam Backup & Replication, the user assigns an account to be used. Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: HyperV Server 2019 - Domain Controller backup fails with AAP of Microsoft Hyper-V HyperV Server 2019 - Domain Controller backup fails with AAP R&D Forums Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Backup Copy Fails of Veeam Backup & Replication To streamline the replication process, you can deploy a backup proxy on a VM. gsshotfmvtmwmjpeswojmrzkcliwwdigtdinwipcaesvrdshgtsovdwattdpxytbmzycuivkraoif