Nmap scripting engine cheat sheet. nse] [target] Execute scripts by category.
Nmap scripting engine cheat sheet. txt Scan targets from a list in a file .
- Nmap scripting engine cheat sheet Contribute to verasolo1/Nmap-Cheatsheet development by creating an account on GitHub. afp-ls. It can be used for network discovery and for most security enumeration during the initial stages of penetration testing. nmap--script smb-vuln-ms17-010 192. v1. Detects EternalBlue vulnerability. txt] Nmap Cheat Sheet; What is Nmap? How to Use Nmap; Basic Scanning Techniques; Port Scanning Options; Discovery Options; Port Specification and Scan Order Compare Scans; Troubleshooting and Debugging; Nmap Scripting Engine; Was this helpful? Export as PDF. Almost every entry has the "default" port number associated with the service each nse script is scanning for. 168. nmap -sC <target> Example. It provides us with the possibility to create scripts in Lua for interaction with certain Nmap Cheat Sheet 2023: All the Commands, Flags & Switches - nmap_cheat. And, with its scripting engine, Nmap can do all kinds of wonderful things for security professionals. Common Scripts ssl-en um- ciphers Display SSL cipher smb-pr otocols Display SMB protocol ssl-he art bleed Display heartbleed Preset Profiles Intense nmap -T4 -A-v Quick Scan Plus nmap -sV -T4 -O -F --vers ion -light Ping Scan nmap -sn References https: //n map. html Nmap Cheat sheet How to Install Nmap Goals and Learning Objectives How to Install Nmap Cloud Based Hacking Lab Nmap Basics, Target Specification & Port States Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Part 4 - Usage and Cool Scripts Writing Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Scripts Nmap Performance, Firewall and IDS Evasion Introduction to Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Nmap provides a user with a powerful toolset of features, that allows the user to create scripts to complete custom tasks. As hinted at on a few cheat sheets earlier, NSE allows creating custom scripts Master Nmap with our cheat sheet. As software engineers, we always search for the best tools and guides to be more productive. org Npcap. 1 192. Using Nmap scripts is crucial in order to automate system and vulnerability scans. Discover essential commands and techniques for streamlined network pentesting, scanning and analysis. nse] [target] Execute multiple scripts nmap –script [expre ssion] [target] Execute scripts by category nmap –script [cat] [target] Execute multiple scripts categories nmap –script [cat1, cat2, etc] Troubl e shoot scripts Nmap Cheat Sheet plus Nmap + Nessus Cheat Sheet. NMAP NSE Scripts - NMAP Scripting Engine: Switch Example Description-sC nmap 192. script scanning, and traceroute nmap 192. nmap -sC 192. It allows users to write (or use existing) scripts to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. nse] [target] Execute Multiple Scripts. NSEDoc. 1. nse -p445 <host> sudo nmap -sU -sS --script smb-enum-shares. 1-10. PDF (black and white) LaTeX . Nmap scan the network, listing machines that respond to ping. Performs a script scan using the default set of scripts. txt] Create a list of hosts scanned Documentation, options, and usage for NSE scripts using the Nmap Scripting Engine. Switch Example Description-sC: nmap 192. nse] [target] Download the nmap cheatsheet Cheat Sheet. Discover essential commands, options, and best practices for performing efficient network scans. Practice. It allows users to write (and share) simple scripts to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. Major categories of NSE, safe - target wont be affected; intrusive - target likely to be affected; vuln - scan for vulnerabilities; exploit - attempt to scan vulnerabilities To run a Nmap script created in Lua, we must create an NSE(Nmap Script Engine) file and save it in the Nmap scripts directory. nse] [ target] Execute multiple scripts nmap –script [expre ssion] [target] Execute scripts by category nmap –script [cat] [target] Execute multiple scripts catego ries nmap –script [cat1, cat2, etc] T u bl h tcip Nmap cheat sheet. If you struggle to remember any of the commands showcased in this article, use this Nmap Cheat Sheet: All the Nmap (Network Mapping) Cheat Sheet. Jobs. nmap -oS [scan. 1 -sC nmap --script snmp-sysdescr --script-args snmpcommunity=admin 192. Command: nmap --script http-enum target. org ) at 2023-08-31 12:15 UTC . Skip to content. Execute individual scripts. ] - Scan multiple targets. netwrkspider. Learn more on Codecademy. NSEDoc Portal; That’s where an Nmap cheat sheet comes in handy. 91 ( https://nmap. 0! POCKET REFERENCE GUIDE SANS Institute sans. Scan a single target —> nmap [target] Scan multiple targets —> nmap [target1,target2,etc] Nmap Scripting Engine. 1: Update the Script Database: Command Description; nmap -sP 10. Nmap scan through port 65535 -p-Scan ports 1-65535 Scripting Engine Notable Scripts -sC Run default scripts --script=<ScriptName>| Run individual or groups of scripts --script-args=<Name1=Value1,> Use the list of script arguments--script-updatedb Update script database A full list of Nmap Scripting Engine scripts is Nmap Cheat Sheet. Reference guide for scanning networks with Nmap. Print Cheatsheet. About. Lua Is Used In Nmap. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. nmap -script whois* domain. Skill path. Cheat Sheets; Nmap Cheat Sheet. Command. To use a custom NMAP script (. Nmap scan report for target nmap Cheat Sheet See-Security Technologies Nmap Scripting Engine • Execute individual scripts nmap –script [script. Users can either rely on the standard set of scripts that come with Nmap, or write their own to perform certain tasks. nse -p U:137,T:139 <host Nmap is the most known port scanner, written and maintained by Gordon Lyon (Fyodor). Advanced Scans Stealth Scans. nse] [target] Execute scripts by category nmap –script [category] [target] Trou b le sh nmap -oS [scan. NSE stands for Nmap Scripting Engine. Nmap scan through port 65535 -p-Scan ports 1-65535 Scripting Engine Notable Scripts -sC Run default scripts --script=<ScriptName>| Run individual or groups of scripts --script-args=<Name1=Value1,> Use the list of script arguments--script-updatedb Update script database A full list of Nmap Scripting Engine scripts is Names and descriptions of all Nmap scripts in the default Nmap Scripting Engine category. nse] [target] nmap -Pn --script=dns-brute domain. Open comment sort options (scripts located in /usr/share/nmap/scripts/ where category is "default" # --script="vuln and safe" Launch NSE scripts where category=vuln and category=safe # -T4 Aggressive scan (default is T3 and it can go up to Navigate the world of network scanning with precision using this comprehensive Nmap cheat sheet. org Download Reference Guide Book Docs Zenmap GUI In the Movies Script Arguments randomseed, smbbasic, smbport, smbsign. It is highly flexible due to the availability of many NSE scripts available. As hinted at on a few cheat sheets earlier, NSE allows creating custom scripts The Nmap Scripting Engine is described in detail in Chapter 9, Nmap Scripting Engine and is controlled by the following options:-sC. Home. Wireshark Cheat Sheet: All the Commands, Filters To run a Nmap script created in Lua, we must create an NSE(Nmap Script Engine) file and save it in the Nmap scripts directory. Example http-script: nmap 192. 168 Handy Examples: Nmap Basics: Scan a single target nmap [IP] Scan multiple IPs nmap [IP1,IP2,IP3] Scan a list nmap -iL [list. This cheat-sheet provides a quick reference to various Nmap Cheat Sheet v1. org Detect cross How to use the mysql-databases NSE script: examples, script-args, and references. nse] [ target] Execute multiple scripts nmap –script [expre ssion] [target] To use the Nmap scripting engine, we can use the –script argument to call on preloaded scripts or our custom scripts. NMAP Script Engine. Nmap’s scripting engine (NSE) is one of its most powerful and flexible features. Nmap provides a variety of approaches for bypassing firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Script-args, scan ideas, and source code for Nmap scripts, libraries, and NSE categories. - broadcast: Discover hosts not included on command line by The list of script can be found at /usr/share/nmap/scripts. nse] [target] • Execute multiple scripts nmap –script [expression] [target] • Execute scripts by category nmap –script [cat] [target] • Execute multiple scripts categories nmap –script [cat1,cat2, etc] This cheat sheet covers some of the most useful Nmap scripts for network discovery, vulnerability detection, and more. The Nmap scripting engine is a dynamic feature within Nmap that allows users to use scripts to automate networking tasks. Usage of Nmap. • Execute scripts by category nmap –script [cat] [target] • Execute multiple scripts categories nmap –script [cat1,cat2, etc] • Troubleshoot scripts nmap –script [script] –script-trace [target] 133t output nmap -oS [scan. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, Nmap is an essential tool for network discovery and security auditing, with a wide range of features and capabilities. Execute specific scripts. or g/b ook /ma n. Always ensure Pentesting with Nmap Cheat Sheet Pentesting with Nmap. Lua is a lightweight, efficient scripting language that integrates features into other programs written in C/C++. Table of Contents. To understand the concepts of Nmap and NSE let’s take an example. nse --script-trace 192. nmap -v -sS -A -T4 target The first part is a cheat sheet of the most important and popular Nmap commands which you can download also as a PDF file at the end of this post. Nmap can provide furth In this Nmap Cheat Sheet, you’ll learn all the basics to advanced like basic scanning techniques, discovery options in Nmap, Firewall evasion techniques, version detection, output options, scripting engines and more. Nmap's NSE can be used to develop custom script while doing penetration testing of the network and web applications. See the documentation for the smbauth library. 1 -script=http,banner: Scan with two scripts. nmap --script [script. o rg / ns e doc/ Scripts are written in LUA Recon of IPv4 & IPv6 DNS data Identify web applic ation firewalls, IDS, IPS Test firewall rulesets (via firewalk) and attempting to bypass the firewall Harvesting user names from target and online sites Brute- f orce guessing of passwords WITH NMAP Scan all ports between 22 and 110: -p22-11Ø Scans only the specified ports 22 and 25: -p22 , 25 Scans top 100 ports: -F Performs an TCP SYN-Scan: Performs an TCP ACK-Scan: Performs an UDP Scan: -sU CHEAT SHEET Scans the discovered services for their versions: -sv Perform a Script Scan with scripts that are categorized as "default": -sc Thus learning to port scan using Nmap is one of the first things a security researcher needs to grasp. Please check out the updated cheat sheet below. Example Usage nmap --script smb-enum-shares. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up nmap --script snmp-sysdescr --script-args snmpcommunity=admin 192. Nmap Scripting Engine commands . NMAP CHEAT SHEET Printable cheat sheet for NMAP (Network security tool). 1 -sC: Scan with default NSE scripts. NMAP Scripts are written in LUA programming language, used for reconnaisance, vulnerability scanning or automatically exploiting them. dns-zone-transfer: Nmap Scripting Engine. com Brute forces DNS hostnames guessing subdomains nmap -n -Pn -vv -O -sV --script smb-enum*,smb-ls,smb-mbenum,smb-os-discovery,smb-s*,smb-vuln*,smbv2* -vv 192. See section 11 in this document for more information. Nmap Cheat Sheet. (with Cheat Sheets) Sep 21, 2021 · 7 mins read. Execute Individual Scripts. Resources Insecure. Share Add a Comment. A comprehensive Nmap Cheatsheet. txt] [target] Nmap Scripting Engine Execute individual scripts nmap –script [scrip t. nmap. txt] Scan a range of hosts nmap [10. Target Specification link. nmap -Pn -script=dns-brute domain. Goal: Command: Example: Execute Individual Scripts: nmap --script banner. Sign in Product nmap --script snmp-sysdescr --script-args snmpcommunity=admin 192. Downloadable PDF files. Share. nmap [target1,target2,etc. Command Line; Basic Scanning Techniques. Output: Starting Nmap 7. nse] [target] Execute multiple scripts nmap –script [expre ssion] [target] Execute Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a free and open source utility for network discovery and security auditing. These scripts can be used for network discovery, sophisticated version detection, vulnerability detection, backdoor detection, and even vulnerability exploitation. Command Description; Command Description; nmap -A <target> Aggressive scan (includes OS detection, version detection, script scanning, traceroute) nmap -T4 <target> Faster scan with aggressive timing (T0-T5, higher is faster) Contribute to rootanvir/cheat-sheet-kali-tools development by creating an account on GitHub. nmap --script [expression] [target] Nmap commands cheat sheet . An NMap NSE Scripts Cheat Sheet to show the correct usage per NSE script that ships with the NMAP software. org Insecure. 1 -script "not intrusive" Scan default, but remove intrusive scripts-script-args: nmap -script snmp-sysdescr -script-args snmpcommunity=admin 192. Nmap Cheat Sheet 5: The Final View of a Ninja Pentester; Top 5 Kali Linux tools for password attacks in 2025 The Nmap Scripting Engine allows you to select from a broad range of scripts to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. It is equivalent to --script=default. nmap -Pn -script=http-sitemap-generator scanme. 1: NSE script with arguments: Useful NSE Script Examples. 1 BASIC SCANNING TECHNIQUES Goal Command Example Scan a Single Target nmap [target] nmap 192. dev Open. 2 Scan a List of Targets nmap -iL [list. Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Options. Those scripts are then executed in parallel with the speed and efficiency you expect from Nmap. 200] Scan an entire subnet nmap [IP address/cdir] Excluding targets from a scan nmap [IP] –exclude [IP] Excluding targets using a list nmap [IPs] –excludefile [list. nmap - Nmap Script Engine Development (NSE) So far we have learned the power of NSE and we also knew how powerful this is. These scripts can help automate This scripting engine allows users to use a pre-defined set of scripts, or write their own using Lua programming language. nmap –script [script. It is one of the most powerful and flexible port scanners ever built. It is a very famous port scanner available for free. 1 -script=http* Scan with a wildcard. md. Some of the scripts in this category are considered intrusive and should not be run against a target network without A comprehensive NMAP Cheat Sheet with examples of Port Scans and Vulnerability tests you can copy and paste directly into your terminal. Download Reference Guide Book Docs Zenmap GUI In the Movies. Description. If it successfully connects to a port and determines the running service, it will attempt to run default scripts against it (-sC), which will do some basic Here is a cli commands cheat sheet for NMAP command, Sets custom list of TCP using `URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN` in any order ### Nmap Scripting Engine Categories The most common Nmap scripting engine categories: - auth: Utilize credentials or bypass authentication on target hosts. Courses. This cheat sheet covers some of the most useful Nmap scripts for network discovery, vulnerability detection, and more. March 13, 2021 | by Stefano Lanaro It also includes the NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine), which allows users to write simple scripts to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. 1 #Provide arguments to scripts sudo nmap This NMap NSE Scripts Cheat Sheet was created to be a quick reference/tl;dr for each of the official nmap nse scripts that the nmap software provides. 0 on CyberSecTools: A comprehensive reference guide to Nmap's scripting engine and its various options, scripts, and target specifications. txt Scan targets from a list in a file Scripting Engine Output Options Please note that this is a comprehensive cheatsheet, and not all options may be applicable or necessary for every situation. Execute individual scripts —> nmap –script [script. com Seclists. Scan Systems with Nmap Learn about Nmap and see why it's such a popular tool for ethical hacking and ethical hackers. Whilst we do develop muscle memory in the world of cybersecurity, we don’t expect you to memorize everything right away. Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Documentation: The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is a powerful feature of Nmap that allows users to write custom scripts for Nmap includes over 600 different scripts for vulnerability assessment, password attacks, sensitive data disclosure collection, and much more as part of the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) library. Users can rely on the growing and diverse set of scripts CHEAT SHEET Command Description nmap target Scan a single target nmap target1 target2 Scan multiple targets nmap -iL targets. We also provide you with an overview of which commands require root/sudo privileges and compare the noise levels (measures the likelihood of alarming the target that you are scanning) of various Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Scanning web servers; Scanning mail servers; Scanning databases; ICS/SCADA systems; Generating reports; Nmap Cheat Sheet . customize your output, and leverage Nmap’s scripting engine Nmap command. These settings allow users to change their scanning strategies to avoid security protections that may prevent or flag standard scanning attempts. The second part is an Nmap Tutorial where I will show you several techniques, use cases and examples of using this tool in security assessment engagements. Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) adalah salah satu fitur Nmap yang paling powerful dan fleksibel. It is not just only a port scanner, it also do various jobs like banner grabbing, OS fingerprinting, Nmap script scanning, evading nmap 192. com. Nmap offers some features for probing computer networks, including host discovery and service and operating system detection. 0/24. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive Nmap cheat sheet with commands and examples to help you navigate and use Nmap effectively. Having all this information as a quick reference is also more convenient. 1 -sV Attempts to determine the version of the service running on port nmap 192. nse] [target] Execute scripts by category. 0. Skrip-skrip tersebut dieksekusi secara parale dengan kecepatan dan efisiensi yang anda harapkan dari Nmap. Languages: 133t output nmap -oS [scan. org Download Reference Guide Book Docs Zenmap GUI In the Movies The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is a game-changing feature of Nmap that allows you to automate your network scanning and exploitation tasks. Brute forces DNS hostnames guessing subdomains. #Default script scan sudo nmap --script <script_name> 10. It will attempt to communicate with each open port and obtain the version of the software listening on it (-sV). J2TEAM Security: A must-have extension for Chrome users. 1 -sV --version-intensity 8 Intensity level 0 to 9. Contribute to Unsagtools/Nmap-Cheat-Sheet development by creating an account on GitHub. 1 Safe SMB scripts to run nmap --script whois* domain. nmap [target] - Scan a single IP or hostname. The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) runs simple scripts built in the Lua programming language. Lua Language. This repository is primarily maintained by Omar Santos (@santosomar) and includes thousands of resources related to ethical hacking, bug bounties, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), ar How to use the vulners NSE script: examples, script-args, and references. Home; Reconnaissance. nmap -sA [target] Nmap Scripting Engine Execute individual scripts nmap –script [scrip t. Understanding Nmap Script Types: With Nmap scripts, we can discover open ports on a network, identify versions of services, detect vulnerabilities, and even exploit vulnerabilities. Command Nmap scripting engine. It can save you from tedious manual scans and sifting through vulnerability reports. Nmap. Considered useful for discovery and safe- Nmap scan through port 65535 -p-Scan ports 1-65535 Scripting Engine Notable Scripts -sC Run default scripts --script=<ScriptName>| Run individual or groups of scripts --script-args=<Name1=Value1,> Use the list of script arguments--script-updatedb Update script database A full list of Nmap Scripting Engine scripts is Getting Commanding with Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Before closing, I want to highlight my favorite part of Nmap – Scripting Engine (NSE). Understanding Nmap Script Types: Default Scripts: - Automatically used by Getting Commanding with Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Before closing, I want to highlight my favorite part of Nmap – Scripting Engine (NSE). Sort by: Best. nse] [target] • Execute multiple scripts nmap –script [expression] [target] • Execute scripts by category nmap –script [cat] [target] • Execute multiple scripts categories nmap –script [cat1,cat2, etc] Ed Skoudis and the fine folks at Counter Hack have put together a nifty Nmap cheat sheet covering some of the most useful options of everyone's favorite general-purpose port scanner, Nmap. com: Whois query: nmap -p80 --script http Master Nmap with this ultimate Nmap cheat sheet! Learn essential commands, flags, options, and scanning techniques to elevate your network security skills. Installing Nmap To install Nmap on Ubuntu, use the apt package manager by exeucuting: apt update; apt install -y nmap The Nmap Scripting Engine is included and is a part Continue reading The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is one of Nmap's most powerful and flexible features. How to use the mysql-info NSE script: examples, script-args, and references. 15 Comments on Nmap Cheat Sheet. 2 Pages. NSE Script Options. How to use the http-title NSE script: examples, script-args, and references. 1: Safe SMB scripts to run: nmap --script whois* domain. org Download Reference Guide Book Docs Zenmap GUI In the Movies The above will scan the target (on TCP only) on the default “nmap’s most popular 1000 ports”. Whois query. Executes a specific Nmap script. nmap --script [expression] [target] NMAP (Network Mapping) Cheat Sheet. The script can be used to identify and automatically add new targets to the scan by supplying the newtargets script argument. Next. Executes the standard Nmap scripts (NSE). Target . sheets:nmap # Single target scan: nmap [target] Sets custom list of TCP using ` URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN ` in any order ### Nmap Scripting Engine Categories The most common Nmap scripting engine categories:-auth: Utilize credentials or bypass authentication on target hosts. A full list of Nmap Scripting Engine scripts is available at nmap/nsedoc/ Some particularly useful scripts include: dns-zone-transfer: Attempts to pull a zone file (AXFR) from a DNS server. Created By. Free. http site map generator. Install now! NMAP SCRIPTING ENGINE. After we run sudo nmap --script-updatedb and we will use the script with Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) http:/ / nm ap. PDF (recommended) PDF (2 pages) Alternative In this Nmap cheat sheet, you will find both Nmap command examples as well as explanations of when and why you would use certain options and arguments. com Whois query nmap -p80 --script http-unsafe-output-escaping scanme. Example http and banner-script: nmap 192. 1 #Run specific script sudo nmap --script-args <n1=v1,[n2=v2,]> 10. Nmap Cheat Sheet (figured yall could use this) hackhouse. New. 1 Scan Multiple Targets nmap [target1, target2, etc] nmap 192. Basic Scanning Techniques. org Download Reference Guide Book Docs Zenmap GUI In the Movies Nmap Cheat Sheet. netwrkspider www. In General Lab Notes. See the documentation for the smb library. Org Outline •NSE Intro & Usage •Large-scale Scan #1: SMB/MSRPC •Large-scale Scan #2: Favicon •Writing NSE Scripts •Live Script Writing Demo nmap Cheat Sheet See-Security Technologies Nmap Scripting Engine • Execute individual scripts nmap –script [script. org Sectools. 1: NSE nmap -n -Pn -vv -O -sV --script smb-enum*,smb-ls,smb-mbenum,smb-os-discovery,smb-s*,smb-vuln*,smbv2* -vv 192. Nmap scripting engine. February 3, 2025 / By Hüseyin Igci Basic Nmap commands. PDF (recommended) PDF (2 pages) Alternative Downloads. nmap -p80 -script http-unsafe-output-escaping scanme. Ia memungkinkan user untuk menulis (dan membagi) skrip sederhana (menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Lua, ) untuk mengotomasi beragam tugas jaringan. org. Execute individual scripts nmap –script [script. Pentesting (or penetration testing) is a type of cybersecurity test that identifies vulnerabilities, threats, and risks in networks, systems, and applications. Nmap Scripting Engine. To install Nmap on any OS such as Ubuntu or Kali Linux you can use the command. Nmap has a multitude of options and when you first start playing with this tool it can be a bit daunting, so today i want to propose a brief cheat-sheet. NMAP Cheat Sheet - Nmap is a free open source tool, employed to discover hosts and services on a computer network by sending packets and analyzing the retrieved responses. We include all the commands in an easy to download and reference format. smbdomain, smbhash, smbnoguest, smbpassword, smbtype, smbusername. Download the Nmap Basics Cheat Sheet. 1 Nmap Cheat Sheet. nse Scripts. What is Nmap? How to Use Nmap. Metadata. nmap -p 1-65535 -sV -sS -T4 target. nmap Cheat Sheet: Commands you should know. The Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) is one of Nmap's most powerful and flexible features. -broadcast: nmap --script brute <target> Evading Firewalls and IDS: Important for Your Nmap Cheat Sheet. Nmap cheat sheet: From discovery to exploits - Part 1: Introduction to Nmap; Security and hacking apps for Android devices; Popular Nmap Scripting Engine. nes script) we must download it first from Github and move it in the NMAP script folder. Nmap cheat sheet: From discovery to exploits - Part 1: Introduction to Nmap; Security and hacking apps for Android devices; Popular Startseite » Blog » nmap Cheat Sheet: Commands you should know. Another handy feature of Nmap is the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE). Reference guide for scanning networks cheat. For example, if you want to run a full vulnerability test against your target, you can use these parameters: nmap -Pn --script vuln 192. A full TCP port scan using with service version detection - T1-T5 is the speed of the scan. Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) - Specific Scripts link. Target Specification IPv4 address: 192. Detect cross site scripting vulnerabilities. cqfthvlk ekhi ysos sutmjl btvrfdp seeeqkj qofjd gohtl zho bvga jlxux vaw rsj rycg pkgmgi