Excel vba advanced filter specific columns Select Columns("BA:BA"). in a helper column. In the screen Huh. Column I needs to show all rows that <>"X" while column J needs to show all rows that equal the value in the available column. Range("Tabel1[#All]"). In the example below Field 4 is the Product column because it is the 4th column in My problem is that I want to filter out a specific value in different column of sheet, I tried record macro but the record feature seems to only support selecting specific values to keep instead of take out. I need the 250 unique rows to show up in a form where the user selects multiple items. 1 VBA Excel: Filter a column. Count > 0 Then Exit Sub i = 1 Erase arr ReDim arr(1 To rg. Range B9:J14 - row 9 being column headers). Related. =xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious). Then I put the header back, after it worked once without the header, and the same VBA code worked with the header. Thread starter Mgiug; Start date Aug 21, 2017 Tags august Messages 11. The range contains the headers/fields and the criteria themselves. Advanced Filter Setup. 1. Excel 2007. Here’s a quick explanation of the components: Range(“yourRange”): This specifies the range of cells you want to apply the filter to. ; The VBA window will open. Advanced Filter Excel VBA. Filtering Different Columns by Multiple Criteria Using VBA With Statement. With Excel’s Advanced Filter, you can quickly show only the rows and columns you need, saving time and effort. The sample dataset contains the Product Name, Product Category, and the shipping Address of customers. Dim data As Range. I also want it the filter (at the title which is row(1)) to appear automatically after running the macro so that I can use it afterwards. It is NOT number of the column on the worksheet. ; Enter the following code. Applying a VBA Code to Filter Data before a Specified Date. This is the second part of the video on the filter function and advanced filter in Excel. Step 2: Press F5 to run the I'm using Advanced Filtering and the code is copying all the filtered rows to a new tab. The columns that I need to copy are C,D,G,M,AH,BD,BP after applying the filters on RAS(Offshore) to Dst, using Excel VBA. Put the columns' headers you want to copy (Name and Value) in Sheets Filter B10:C10 and in Advanced Filter, use Copy to: Filter!B10:C10 Here is one way to get the column number of a header. This gives us options for filter . This makes it especially useful for tasks that require extracting specific information from large Using the Advanced Filter with VBA. You can filter out unique items, extract specific words or dates and even copy them to another Now, let us say you want to filter out Data1 and Data2. You can tweak the Advanced Filter to . I feel certain that there exists a simple solution, but I cannot quite see it. This is a simple single-column filter on City. This is the coding I have written to select and filter the correct data values. I am successful in applying the auto filters and copying the whole Unfortunately, my range of cells does not filter the data, even when using criteria such as Operator:=xlOr - it just displays the very last cell value used for the criteria. Range("A5:O5") Sub RemoveDuplicates() Dim rngDatabase As Range 'define the database Set rngDatabase = I'm trying to get the unique names in column B after filtering column A and then pasting them in column C as following: Range("A1:B1"). Steps: Enter the following code in I have a data set in excel of 71 columns. working on a sheet that i would like to use some advance autofilters on with multiple wild cards. Then you can filter on 'contains' So When the concatinated name is JCPennyWalmart and the field contains Walmart it stays on screen for both instances in field 4 and field 5. How to Compare Two Columns in Excel. The Which Excel VBA Copy and Filter method is the fastest Instead you may want to copy individual columns. I am new to VBA and this is my problem. A 1 NAMES 2 Brian 3 I am trying to use a macro to do an advanced filter on a range with a fixed number of columns but variable number of rows. ; Selecting “Filter the list in place” will hide the rows that don’t Hi, new to VBA and have been having difficulty finding a solution on the following issue and would greatly appreciate any ideas. " In this example there is a dataset of loan records con Here's your final result: Sub RAWtransfertoTRUST() Dim MainWorkfile As Workbook, OtherWorkfile As Workbook Dim TrackerSht As Worksheet, FilterSht As Worksheet Dim Implicit late binding strikes again! ActiveSheet is an Object, not a Worksheet - any member calls you make directly against it, are inherently late-bound. It takes a range as input, performs a filtering operation over it, and returns the filtered range in the original location, or in a Users can apply intricate filtering criteria, filter data across several columns, and copy the filtered results to another area of the same worksheet or an entirely new worksheet or workbook with VBA Advanced Filter. 2. Advanced Filter is a tool available in the Data tab under the Sort & Filter group in the Excel ribbon. I've been unsuccessful over the past couple of days so I'm hoping that I can find the answer here. Excel VBA Conditional Filter vba filter only on character value. I'm using Advanced Filtering and the code is copying all the filtered rows to a new tab. We want to filter the names that start with A with the location USA. Date Filters in Excel. I would then like to highlight the visible rows and clear the filter. STEPS: Select View Code after right-clicking. Secondly, you won't be able to copy just a single column (20) while filtering another column (10) in the same step. You can see the possible options in the table below: Important Note: A Criteria column header must exist as a List range column header. Excel VBA - advanced filter - highlight rows. We can expand and select Assume you have data to filter in Sheet1 columns A:F, criteria to filter are in range I1:N2 and the filtered data to be copied into columns P:U. Sheets("Data"). Our Filtered Column U is where the data resides, yes - the problem is that if/when the Vendor data moves, the Field:= variable doesn't - is there a way to set Field:= to focus on named range vendor and not a specific, static column? Here's another way to do it. The first line of the code will only place columns E:F into columns T:U based on criteria in I1:N2 The second line will place all of the filtered data from A:F into P:U based on same criteria. Explanation of the Code. ; You’ll see the following dialog box I am trying to filter column with multiple criteria using array, the condition is to filter the values which starts with ca, or starts with inc, or start with ps. See how to record and edit an Advanced Filter macro. AutoFilter 27, Criteria1:="Breached" 'filter column AC for Breached - Text should only show breached tickets Based on the user's resonse,filter the table in the Activities sheet with an Advanced filter,to display only the activities matching the specified category. Sub AdvFilter() Dim ws As Worksheet, sh As Worksheet Dim rng As Range, Frng As Range Set ws = Sheets("Flag Update (2)") Set rng = ws. Using this code . An Advanced Filter can show specific data from a list, Read More: VBA to Copy Data to Another Sheet with Advanced Filter in Excel. I would like the selection of any of the macros to clear the filter selections from the numerical columns (11-34), but leave the filters intact on the geographical columns (1-10). Do not use a column label or use a column label that is not in 1) VBA-wise I would like to loop through the columns, when the values for all necessary columns all match, copy the entire row into a new sheet. All "negative" search strings (e. Returning Specific Columns in Any Order. STEPS: Right-click on the worksheet tab named REMOVE. Range("F_Item"). If the value is found, then 1 will be the output. Get the sum of a column for This is the column number within the filter range that is the parent of the AutoFilter method. This is the same code but using variables and might work better for you. My CopyToRange is an entire column (column H) because I don't know how many rows will be needed since i'm filtering on unique records. com/channel/UCr_MTGrHVG78jGSWbGnNIvw/joinRaw data for excel practice download : https://drive. 65 for the Cookies. Follow the instructions in the Advanced Filter Introduction page, to see how to set up a Criteria Range, and an Extract Range. Select the filter cell, in this case G5. However, my code doesn't work. The VBA code does not fail - it just does not filter properly based on the range. Using the criteria with AdvancedFilter is very powerful. Excel VBA auto filter with specific substring. Now I don't want to copy everything but only selected columns by range. This video illustrates how to utilize the Advanced Filter method in Excel VBA With "AND/OR Criteria. I'be been using macro recorder with the advanced filter and can't get the list to populate. The users can select from drop down data validation lists as many criteria needed to filter each column. How to FILTER data and return only specific columns. The advanced Filter provides users with the opportunity to use more complex criteria than the regular autofilter. You can see these criteria in the Criteria box. I want to filter to have all the lines with at least one "NOT OK". We can also use the Text Filters sub menu to create a custom filter. A solution is a merge/a concatenation of 4 and 5. Sheets("4"). Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. I have about 1000 rows in column A of which 250 are unique. AdvancedFilter on. According, to the link you can use a formula as criteria but: Note: always place a formula in a new column. Excel VBA Subtotal (sum) giving half the value compared to actual sum. Choose the Data Validation tool from the Data Tools ribbon in the Data tab. 2) The subset of rows is based on a list. Modified 4 years, Advanced Filter - exclude headers. For example, we want to get the values for Cookies or Chocolates, but want to add the criteria price $0. Aug 21, 2017 #1 Dears, I'm a super noob with excel vba macro, I was able to write some codes time to time by adapting already existing ones from the net or via macro recording. Column Set TempRng = Range(TempSheet. The code works, but a problem arises when I have 2 userIDs that start with the same characters. Range("A12:E500"). Cells(1, 1), TempSheet. youtube. The image below shows the worksheet after the Does Not Contain filter has been applied. I need to copy only 7 columns from them after applying auto filter on the source sheet(RAS(Offshore)) to the destination sheet(Dst). In the Excel Advanced Filter dialog window, specify the following parameters: Action Choose whether to filter the list in place or copy the results to another location. I just read I can use Autofilter with an array. Worksheets("sheet1"). This requires you to set up a small data table on your spreadsheet and read-in the criteria with your VBA Advanced Filter macros to send data from a main list, to separate sheets - one for each sales rep, or region, or other unique items. SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible). But If I apply the first filter using Certainly if you do the filter in the sheet it will apply the filters as you go. First filter the entire list in place based on the criterion provided; And then Is there a VBA code I could use to filter out rows based on their customer reference number? I'm using a very handy code I found online that includes data based on customer reference number that looks like this: I have searched high and low looking to try and modify my existing code to copy certain columns instead of an entire row. The Excel VBA sub-routine “FilterOneColumn” sets Is there a way to use an Excel auto filter, whereby you set a predefined list of values to filter by, and it will return all the cells in a column that contain that phrase? For example imagine the data below (all in a single column). basically when I click the program button it will filter out with wild cards on a specific column. AdvancedFilter In Excel VBA, “advanced filter data” refers to filtering methods that surpass simple filtering, like applying multiple criteria, intricate logical operators, or filtering across multiple sheets. Let’s consider a practical example. ActiveSheet. To Filter products with a price less than 1600 dollars or more than or equal to 2100:. show all companies that are Note: I am using the name Sheet1 for the sheet that has the data. Notice that, I am trying to filter a table by two columns (Fields), when I run the code and followed it step by step I got the first filter working right, but when the next one is applied then I can’t see any data. AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= What i tried to do is to use set and declare "Discount" to a specific Range which gets filtered with & too. Rows(1). Cells(LastRow, LastCol)) 'apply advanced filter to temp range and get obs where Search Advanced search VBA to loop among filter criteria in a specific column. Field:=1: This indicates the column number in the range where the filter will be applied. I have a number of worksheets within the same workbook, but I'm looking Example 3. Here as I want to locate the filtered result to a different place, I choose the Copy to another Text Filters in Excel. edited to enhance the code after some OP's clarifications: Option Explicit. Unlike the standard filter, AdvancedFilter can handle more complex criteria and can also be used to copy filtered data to another location. If the user doesn't enter one of the specified categories,then your What I'm trying to do is for specific dates filter a table and then filter again for values on two columns (as is normally done with advanced filters). We cannot use the logic: in Autofilter method, the Field parameter is "The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field one). How to auto filter a column? 0. Dim criteria As Range. Would like to be able to filter the "Data" table based on the following criteria i. I tried using an advanced filter, and eventually I was going to implement it in VBA but it didn't return any values. There are some macros that also filter the numerical fields. Range("A1") Set sh = Sheets("ICM flags") Set Frng = sh. 3. 0 Macro Filter Column by two different values - Excel I removed the header from the first row, and the vba worked. There are 3 types of wildcard characters in Excel- ? (Question Mark) – Represents any single character in a text. Excel AutoFilter Criteria Variant to string Alternative using VBA's Filter function. AdvancedFilter _ This tutorial will explain the how to use the Advanced Filter method in VBA. Range("A:A") Frng. When filtering a column that contains text, we can pick items from the filter drop-down menu list. I have a table with 20 columns (A to T) but with an undefined number of rows (they will add over time), my goal is to filter the data based on 2 criteria: first criteria is in column 6 (F2) - city name and second criteria is in column 11 (K2) - month, but not formated as time, just text I've tried searching online on how to use Paste Special and Special cells but I was not able to make it work. Then, we’ll check if this value is 0. Columns. I'm trying to assign the list to a Range variable. I'm using Excel 2010; I wonder if that makes a difference. For example, if the Criteria column header is “Fruit” then there must be a List range column header called “Fruit”. Excel VBA Autofilter; 20 Advanced Excel Functions and Formulas (for Excel Pros) (that so I am trying to copy unique values from a column after applying several filters to it. In the Action section, choose an option you need. The above action will I have managed to run my coding to filter the data that I correctly want to copy and paste onto sheet 2 - however I only want to copy specific columns. EnableEvents = False Method 3 – Using VBA Advanced Filter for OR with AND Criteria in a Range. Welcome to Mr Excel Not sure if i understand what you need, but let me try. Using In Excel, I need to filter and display the COUNTIF & SUM of both the global range and the visible (or filtered) range. If I filter on columns 1, 2 and 6, this code removes the filter on column 6, leaving filters on 1 and 2 intact. Sub autofiltering() Dim col As String, cfind As Range col = "Type" With Worksheets("AF") '<-- reference your relevant Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that allows efficient data management. One of the most useful features in Excel is filtering data, which helps you extract specific subsets of data based on your your formula must us the first cell in the data column as reference. Excel VBA auto filter with substring. Preferably, I'd want to copy only the unique values. M. For one of the filter I cant filter by exact string because the column is like this: I want the values which have "U" in 8th position from right and want to ignore the ones which have "O" in Search Advanced search I have a code to email but I need to set up a filter on a specific column before emailing. This column will change each week BUT will always be the 9th non-hidden column. Advanced Filtering in Excel is very useful when dealing with large quantities of data where you want to apply a variety of filters at the same time. – Method 1 – Remove Specific Values with VBA to Filter in the Same Column by Multiple Criteria in Excel. LDAP Issue Using Excel VBA malibuman67; Feb 21, 2025; Excel Questions; Replies 2 Views 48. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. g In this guide, we cover the step-by-step process of implementing advanced filters using Excel VBA code. Sub AddFilter() ' ' AddFilter Macro ' Dim rCrit1 As Range, rCrit2 As Range With Application. When you use Excel's Advanced Filter you can filter the data by criteria inside your table I'm having trouble advanced filtering a sheet using a list of userIDs grabbed from another sheet. e. A, B, C) are defined in an array. The code you posted filters columns A through F. Select Selection. Option Explicit Public Function hdrCol(ByRef ws As Worksheet, _ ByVal hdrName As String, _ Optional hdrRow As Long = 1, _ Optional matchLtrCase As Boolean = True) As Long Dim found As Range, foundCol As Long If Not ws Is Nothing Then hdrRow = Abs(hdrRow) hdrName = Trim(hdrName) If What is advanced filtering? VBA advanced filtering is used for more complex filtering needs that the AutoFilter in Excel cannot complete. A specific date was entered in F5. AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Columns( _ "BL:BL"), unique:=True Eventually I'm going to need to run this code over a bunch of different sheets at once so it needs to select whole columns rather than more specific ranges as the length of the data in BA is going to change in each sheet. Let’s consider a sales dataset to see the practical examples of dynamic arrays in Excel. In this guide, I’ll show you step-by-step how to filter specific columns in Excel using the Advanced Filter. But if your source table contains tens or even hundreds of columns, you may i have a sheet called imported data I have set up seperate sheets for each salary code that is in Col G The Salary code has been set up as criteria in Col S on each of the sheets (DEL, DEY & DRt) I would like to use advanced filter to extract only the following columns on sheets DEL, DEY & DRT below I am in dire need of assistance after a couple of hours of trying. That is, they can only be resolved at run-time, and you get zero compiler or IDE assistance when writing the code. We will use the FILTER, SORT, UNIQUE, and SEQUENCE functions to show how dynamic arrays work without VBA. You can select specific columns and the order of columns. An Advanced Filter can show specific data from a list, by applying criteria. AdvancedFilter A Method 3 – Using Excel VBA and the OR Operator to Filter Different Columns by Multiple Criteria. ". Step 1: Press Alt+F11. The filter drop-down menu list groups the dates by years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds. So say the date column in the data is in Column C and the first cell of data is C2 the formula in the criteria would be =C2>TODAY() it may show TRUE or I am trying to learn how to use advanced filter to filter an entire data set, based on one or two values, and then copy a single column (filtered) to a new worksheet. In the Advanced Filter dialog box, you need to configure as follows. If yes, then we’ll get TRUE. It takes a range as input, performs a filtering operation over it, and returns the filtered range in Example 5 – Advanced Filter with Wildcards to Find Specific Texts. 2 VBA Filter based on another cell. We explore the basics of Excel VBA, setting up advanced filters, writing the code, applying multiple criteria, using Method 2 – Using the Advanced Filter Feature to Filter Multiple Columns Simultaneously in Excel. The tutorial begi Hello everyone. . If your sheet has a different name, you can change it accordingly in the VBA code. would like it to filter for *Honda-CFW-6 *Honda-CFW-8 *Honda-CFW-3 *Honda-CFW-2 What we’ve asked AdvancedFilter to do so far is filter all entries in Range("A:G") that contain Pittsburgh. AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=ca*", How to use the Excel Advanced Filter, complete tutorial showing how to organise the advanced filter in Excel manually and then add VBA code. The only way I know to filter out values with VBA is to use Excel's spreadsheet-based Advanced Filter functionality. ; Select the option ‘View Code’. In the following example, the include argument is filtering the ROW 4 are the column headers - sheet 2: a criteria setting sheet. It also works for me if I don't have a filter on column 6 to start. 0. The list of criteria will be maintained on the actual spreadsheet since it needs to be updated by other users in column Z. malibuman67. Is it possible to input this array from a column instead of manually entering it in the VBA code? Excel Advanced Filter Overview. Another good point, appolagies i didn't consider the fact that it doesnt filter a specific range, stupid schoolboy mistake, I was looking at the defined range rather than considering it wikll hide entire rows Here is the code that applies an advanced filter to the column A on the Sheet1 worksheet (List range) by using the range of values on the Sheet2 (criteria range): Range("A1:A100"). Public Sub filteredRangeToArray(rg As Range, arr As Variant) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim row As Range 'If 0 results in Filter just exit If Not rg. The great part about FILTER is that the column(s) you specify in the include argument do NOT need to be in the array. Here are See more Is it possible to copy only certain columns from a filtered table, not all the columns? Base code: ThisWorkbook. The AutoFilter has a drawback when filtering data. Criteria1:=”yourCriteria”: This specifies the condition that data must meet to be displayed. The AdvancedFilter command in Excel VBA is used to filter a range of data based on specified criteria. Step 1: Open the VBA Method 2 – Filter Based on Cell Value Using a Drop-down List Steps. I have created excel worksheet where column A is "Status" and column B is "Finish Date" and I am able to create filter as you explained with following code:- I have 2 columns (A and D) in my sheet of 10 columns (A-J) with 2 kinds of values : "OK" or "NOT OK". Hello, I have a code that returns unique rows from one sheet to another. Share: Facebook X The column to filter on is the first . The filter function is a dynamic array function; however, Advanced The COUNTIF formula is checking if the value from column C matches the value from column E. For the most part, filtering all columns with a single formula is what Excel users want. We will use Excel Advanced Filters does not contain feature to hide the rows that do not contain specific text. Practical Example. Excel Advanced Filter can be used to extract a list from a data base with predefined criteria. When I ran your code, it worked with no errors on my end. Suppose you have a table with four columns and you want the Advanced Filter makes a copy of only two columns, for example, Name and Value. These are the two columns that need to be filtered. If there are no results it just does nothing. Count, 1 To _ The Data drop column is a cell with a drop down list which uses VLOOKUP to populate the two column ref cells. Advanced Filter is fastest VBA Copy method for doing this. As an innovative alternative to @schlebe 's recent answer, I tried to use the Filter function integrated in VBA, which allows to filter out a given search string setting the third argument to False. Steps: I have a worksheet with a table and slicers that filter on geographical criteria. We have a lot of options when filtering a column that contains dates. Let us look at an example. Feb 21, 2025. Range that you call . I want to exclude specific columns from the range from B5:P1048576 and show them in Sheets("Item-Wise Summary"). g. * (Asterisk) – Represents any TarunS, looks like you are selecting only one column ( Column A ) in the Range() but trying to apply filter in two columns. so the criteria to filter column B on sheet 1 will be listed in range B10:B14 on sheet 2. ooxkwv xwj apari qsohpjl dhc kvo clmuij yahno qqqceyu fhonw jjaaxh plgu vpdzjnm zcjs ktqp