Weird feeling in vagina. It feels like an orgasm but then again I don't know.
Weird feeling in vagina You can manage most vaginal bumps and lumps at home. Symptoms of bladder prolapse can include a sensation of heaviness in the pelvis, difficulty emptying the bladder completely, and urinary incontinence. Learn the most common causes — and when you should seek medical attention. It’s not painful but just feels weird as if I can feel a pulse down there. It is normal to feel a heaviness or pressure on the vagina or pelvis during pregnancy. Honestly, it feels like (CW - graphic description of pain) !<having a giant iron spike inserted into my vagina>! Super weird feeling I'm 38+1 and STM. About an hour ago I had a strange popping feeling inside my vagina or on my cervix. “Urine has a lot of acidity and it can cause a huge amount of vulvar irritation,” Dr. It can be accompanied by a strong urge to scratch the area, which can worsen the discomfort. I seriously need help!! I’ve had similar symptoms and feelings of something “stuck” and it was just tight pelvic floor muscles. If you’re left feeling tingly, numb, or unable to climax, we’re here to help you figure out what to do next. Cysts vary in size, but most feel like small, hard lumps Here’s a list of 10 weird early pregnancy symptoms no one tells you about. But what was different this time is I feel a lot of pressure down low and I felt like I really had to pee, sat down and barely a trickle came out but I felt this sort of pop inside my vagina when I sat down on the toilet, like a bubble popping It’s also common for your vagina to feel more open than normal on account of the human that recently passed through. For others, it's more like When a vibration feeling in the pelvic area or vagina becomes more regular or intense, however, it could be a symptom of an underlying Have you noticed intermittent or persistent vaginal tingling, and are you worried that there is something wrong with you? We will take a look at some of the possible causes of Itching, burning sensation, and vaginal dryness. I go to the doctor on Thursday but just want your input for those who have felt what I am feeling. I took pin worm medicine, just in case, but I don't know what's going on. Our community is filled with women who have been through the Hysterectomy experience providing both advice and support from our active members and moderators. I keep having this awful sensation in what feels like my vagina but I’m sure it’s my cervix. 4 Replies, Last Reply vibrating vagina : vibrating sensation in vagina is not a cause for concern. I don't know if I really heard it or because I felt it I "heard" it, but there was definitely a pop Feeling pressure or fullness in the rectum; A feeling that the rectum has not completely emptied after a bowel movement; Sexual concerns, such as feeling embarrassed or sensing looseness in the tone of the vaginal tissue; Many women with posterior vaginal prolapse also have prolapse of other pelvic organs, such as the bladder or uterus. Your doctor Abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding between periods. Ice cubes are a great gateway to the DIY sex toy game because they’re not messy and can easily be tossed down the drain if you’re not feeling it, Gigi Engle, resident sex educator at 3Fun and A twitching or fluttering sensation in your uterus or pelvic area is a sign of a pelvic floor muscle spasm or a uterine arm, or leg, you should pay more attention to twitches in your vagina or uterus. It feels like an orgasm but then again I don't know. If you feel pain or discomfort in your vagina, the cause heartbeat in stomach, weird pain in stomach, frequent urination Chest Fluttering fluttering in my lower right side Unexplained fluttering symptoms had partial hysterectomy fluttering in abdomen. I don’t feel pain as such, just a pressure/fullness feeling. Streicher says. So we consulted the experts for nine common vagina problems and how to deal—fast! Who wouldn't freak out The main vulvodynia symptom is pain in the vulva, which includes the opening of the vagina. As a result, a person may hesitate to report it to a doctor or This started 2-3 days ago, I've been feeling weird tingling sensation in my vagina after I pee. I am doing regular activities along with walking 30 mins , 30 mins prenatal yoga and 15 mins breathing exercises . The majority of women who suffer from vulvodynia have this kind of pain, called vestibulodynia. Pain with localized vulvodynia, like vestibulodynia, arises during or after pressure that’s put on the vaginal opening. com is located at 111 Peter St, Toronto, Canada, M5V2H1 and is You may also feel pain during sex and urination or during a vaginal exam. It is not burning or really itching so much as a crawling, ticklish feeling. Giving birth without having an incision between your vagina and anus (episiotomy). It’s not uncommon for pregnant people to feel lightheaded or dizzy in the Vaginal bleeding. Soreness. I been having an urge to pee and pressure on my bladder. Many patients describe the sensation as “carrying around a weird feeling in vulva, not sure if it still an UTI? what could this be? vaginal total hysterectomy and now have nerve damage. Discomfort or pressure in the pelvic area is often described as a heavy or dragging sensation. Its keeping me up at night. 6. WEIRD. Or just 5. Share Sort by: Best. Causes of Crawling Sensation in Anus There are several possible causes for the crawling sensation in the Vaginal lumps and bumps are common and can be caused by many different conditions. Taking immunosuppressants. Certain things, such as the tags in clothing or seams in socks, can be bothersome. I’m officially 16weeks today and for the last 4 days I’ve been experiencing vaginal pain and pressure. Women who have had multiple vaginal births or a history of chronic straining (such as from constipation) are at increased risk of prolapse, Hill says. HysterSisters. Since my PT the vaginal feeling has subsided (after 8+ months). I never had it with my first pregnancy and I’m almost 23 weeks. A physical exam and biopsy of vulvar wall cells can diagnose contact dermatitis. I do feel very irritating down there during the period. But Lightning crotch can feel a little different from person to person, but most often this pregnancy symptom manifests as: Sharp, shooting pain in the vagina or pelvic area that lasts only for a moment ; Stinging or a pins-and-needles sensation in the same region; Brief but intense pelvic pain that's stronger and shorter than menstrual cramps 22 yrs old Female asked about Weird feeling in vagina, 2 doctors answered this and 2499 people found it useful. Cramping. Painful urination . But this elusive region also gets a lot of hype because Hi Doctor, I have weird feeling in my vagina like a cellphone ringing. Sometimes they’re due to an underlying health condition, and other times the cause can’t be determined. The feel of metal jewelry up against your skin can suddenly feel very uncomfortable. It lasts for about 3-10 seconds and then subsides. Experiencing a tingling sensation during urination can be a cause for concern and discomfort. I doesn't burn nor do I have pain it just after I feel I have a weird sensation. Then when I get distracted and life gets better poof! This is my 3rd baby and I’ve never experienced this. While pelvic floor muscle spasms may be There may be bloody vaginal discharge in your underwear or vaginal bleeding. Last night when I was laying in bed I could literally feel the baby in my vagina. Infection or Inflammation. Nothing to do with peri. It makes me sick. Health & Wellness. "knot" feeling in vagina? 7 Replies, Last Reply 01-05-2010, Started By ccl1968 » Anyone have the "maguire fascial sling" to treat incontinence ? 2 Replies, Last Reply 08-08-2009, Started By 70sChick It could be larger and/or farther back, blocking your ability to easily have a bowel movement. So after my husband and I did the deed just now, I started having Braxton Hicks contractions, I usually do now whenever we have sex. Increased urinary frequency or urgency. Vaginal estrogen is a form of hormone replacement therapy that involves placing cream or a ring inside your vagina. Kecia Gaither, a double board-certified physician in OB/GYN and Maternal-Fetal Medicine from New York City, told A feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area can signal prolapse, fibroids, or tension. It’s a function of age/compression of the sciatic nerve. I recently had a doctors appointment and It’s weird to describe, because without sex my vagina definitely doesn’t feel empty, but during sex fullness is the main sensation. Treatment for bladder prolapse may involve pelvic floor exercises, the use of Here are 25 strange but normal pregnancy symptoms you might not know about. With the first, you feel pain in one place only, say, the opening of the vagina (called the vestibule). Female genital sores are abnormal growths or bumps on the vulva or in the vagina. It’s not painful, nor is it tingly. Can last around 30 mins. 29 weeks today, baby number 4 but never had this happen before. Water breaking. It can also cause a pins-and-needles sensation that lasts 15 to 60 seconds. What are the possible causes for my bladder feeling weird? causing the bladder to drop or bulge into the vagina. See more When you’re aroused, blood rushes to your vulva. But they can also be a result of an infection, allergic reaction, or chronic condition. I m having some weird sensation in vagina. Health Conditions Weird feeling in vagina? c. Causes include infection, inflammation, trauma, or, in rare cases, cancer. I am 35 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I have just started to experience these weird feelings. Can feel like it’s resonating up the leg. I don't know how to explain. You may feel abdominal cramps or menstrual-like cramps that may be accompanied by diarrhea. Can be absent for months/years on end. 2cm and 50% effaced and been losing mucous plug for several days. Infections or inflammation in the vaginal area can also cause fluttering sensations. Rawness. this resolves and occurs again since last 4 months? For some—but not all!—people with a vagina, getting consistent pressure on their G-spot with a toy or penis can feel really fantastic. It is important to understand the potential causes, symptoms, and treatment options for this condition. Swelling or enlargement of the lower abdomen. the last 2 nights I've been getting this strange feeling in pelvic area and vagina it kinda feels like random thumps. At first I felt like I had rode a bike and was sore around my vagina but now it just feels like straight up pain and pressure around the opening of my vagina. You expected the glowy skin and gorgeous bump—but probably not the itchy nipples or extra gas. Probably get this about 3-4 times an hour. It doesn’t hurt or burn, but it’s actually really annoying. This sensation usually happens due to pressure on the nerves in the pelvic region currently 23 weeks. If you feel a weird sensation down below, your vagina could be trying to tell you something, like if you have an infection, about to get your period, and more. It feels like something’s stuck inside, quite low down, like a golf ball almost. It causes a feeling of internal burning and a painful sensation when you Weird sensation in vagina 12 replies cogitosum · 09/03/2013 13:12 Sorry this is probably tmi I'm 22 weeks and last night and today I've had an uncomfortable (but not painful) sensation. But once I got back to my room and lie down there is a strange sensation in my vag. It's like some nerve is opening. Other possible causes include painful bladder syndrome, urethral stricture, prostatitis, and kidney disease. Have you ever felt a heavy From itches and odors to bumps and bleeding, sometimes it seems like you need a manual. Vaginal itching and irritation usually aren't cause for concern, but burning may be a sign of an underlying condition. She assessed how I was doing my pelvic floor exercises ( with a gloved hand Hey Girls, I have completed 35 weeks. The condition is called “lightning crotch” because Pudendal neuralgia is a condition that causes pain, discomfort, or numbness in your pelvis or genitals. Sunday, March 2, 2025 Sign in / Join One of the symptoms of MS is paresthesia or strange sensations including numbness, tingling, and prickling. is that the baby kicking? or is something wrong? it doesn't hurt You’ll only get this weird tingly feeling if you really dig deep into your belly button, though. A genital herpes diagnosis can feel Customer: I have a strange tingling, crawling sensation on my vulva and into my bottom. Check if you have vaginitis. You may feel burning, itching, tenderness and soreness. It can feel like a quick, jarring electric shock, and although it only lasts for a few seconds, it can be quite surprising and uncomfortable. Your partner might notice it during intercourse, and you might feel numb at that time or struggle to have an orgasm. Baby is frank breech so butt is low and in my cervix. Special exercises Vaginal burning occurs when you feel a burning, painful, irritated feeling in your vagina. Feeling a slight, unexpected vibration in the vagina canRead More. The hormone helps improve the natural thickness and lubrication of the skin. It may also give you an uncomfortable feeling in the groin or lower back and make sex hurt. Vaginitis refers to vaginal Lots of things can cause a feeling of heaviness in your pelvic area. It happens when a major nerve in the lower body is damaged or irritated, and it can make it I've constant feeling of air bubbles in my vagina. You may feel pudendal nerve pain in your clitoris, labia, vagina, penis, scrotum, anus or rectum. balanitis discoloration Diagnosed with Lichen sclerosus and experiencing a lot of vaginal tingling vaginal and rectum burning sensation for months vaginal itch, bumps, tingling Pain in your vagina can happen for many reasons. I am 31 weeks pregnant and my baby is still in breech position. As estrogen levels decrease, the vaginal tissues may become thinner, drier, and less elastic, leading to a range of symptoms, including itching, burning, and discomfort. Same with the “something feels uncomfortable” symptom, it was just tight pelvic floor muscles irritating nerves. You might even see something hanging out of your vagina. sometimes there is itching and sore feeling such that i wish to insert something and relieve the itching. I'd say it's a stabbing pain at about an 8/10. many blisters around the vaginal opening. Just have this weird feeling like there might be a tampon in there every once in a while and some vague itchiness. Back pain. Generally speaking, vaginal pain generates a sharp and painful, sporadic or continual sensation in: the vulva, vaginal opening, clitoris, and labia. ncbi Low estrogen levels can be a potential cause of tingling and discomfort in the vagina. When your water breaks, it can feel like a gush of liquid or a slow trickle. It may be accompanied by symptoms like itching, redness, and unusual discharge. If you are experiencing persistent or worsening symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional for guidance and support. Estrogen is an essential hormone that helps to maintain vaginal health and lubrication. Vaginal cramps are often part of period pain. Open comment sort options So to get your brain to stop freaking out by a false alarm you say something like “oh thank you vagina, I know you’re swollen, you can turn the alarm down, I’ve got it from The cause of a vibrating feeling in the vagina is not always clear. Just thinking about what's going on the whole day!! In a analogy, I would saw the coochie is just singing in a very high pitch while the stomach makes all the drum beats. MENU. Hurting worse in the evening and feeling better in morning. A constant, dull backache is a possible sign of labor. It's a symptom that shouldn't be ignored as it could indicate underlying health issues ranging from urinary tract infections (UTIs) to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and more. Get your query answered 24*7 only on | Practo Consult If sex is rough or deep, or if you had penetrative sex with a larger partner or sex toy, Harper says it’s pretty normal the vagina and pelvic floor can feel sore after sex. Sharp or knife-like Feeling a slight, unexpected vibration in the vagina can be a typical experience, and there are several benign causes. A burning feeling after peeing is not always due to an infection. Varicose veins in the vulva, vagina, or buttocks. com is a massive online community with over 475,000 members and over 5 million posts. A women’s health specialist explains what may be causing your vagina to hurt and what you Related: 10 Wonderful Things You Should Know About Your Vagina You Feel a Deep Pain. You might feel uncomfortable in your underwear, shorts and pants. Fabrics that never bothered you before might suddenly feel itchy, irritating, or just downright annoying. The best way of describing it is like I've got a Vaginitis is soreness and swelling in and around the vagina. Weird Vaginal Discharge. You begin to get wet, and your genitals swell a little. https://www. Get your query answered 24*7 only on | Practo Consult First time mom here this may sound weird, but I’m not sure how else to describe it I’m 34 weeks + 3. Pain in your genitals, lower abdomen and lower back. Stinging. Irritation. These can occur in various parts of the body I get this weird ‘on edge’ sensation in my vagina/bum/inside top of thighs when I watch someone who is up high. I’ve felt on and off a couple times this week a vaginal pressure that I’ve never experienced before. Hi Doctor, I have weird feeling in my vagina like a cellphone ringing. For many people, the sensation comes and goes sporadically. The closest thing i could find online is a UTI, but i have absolutely no other symptoms. But don’t worry, the swollenness and openness subsides within a few days Vaginal estrogen is a form of hormone replacement therapy that involves placing cream or a ring inside your vagina. The crawling sensation in the anus, also known as rectal itching or pruritus ani, refers to an itching or tingling feeling in and around the anus. Written By: Emily Deaton , Medically Reviewed By: Kerry-Anne Perkins, OB-GYN, November 2020 “Pelvic floor disorders the musculature of the vagina and rectum, most often due to childbirth, obesity, straining with defecation, aging, or menopause,” Dr. how stress manifests physically. It just feels like a warm stretch, like being full after a Lightning crotch is intense, shooting pain in the vagina, pelvis, or rectum that may go down the inner thigh. When my kids were little and got too close to the edge of "Lightning crotch" is a term that describes a sudden pain some pregnant women might feel in their pelvic or vaginal area. 31 yrs old Female asked about Tingling sensation in vagina, 1 doctor answered this and 6179 people found it useful. It sort of reminds me of the feeling of having a tampon in too long and needing to change it. I don’t have sex or anything so it can’t be any sort of STD. I'm not quite sure how else to explain it besides that. Like I even had my husband put his hand down there to feel (like on the outside of the vagina between top of labia and hairline) and could feel baby moving that low. For some people, this arousal feels like a tingling sensation. I told my doctor that I m feeling some sensation down there like a mild electric shock. Bartholin cyst: This type is caused by fluid backup in the Bartholin’s gland Feeling an immediate urge to urinate. Tingling, prickling or numbing. The pain often is described as: Burning. The common causes of vaginal or pelvic pressure are different in the early and late trimesters but are not If you feel this way due to vaginal pain, seek a Pain Consultant” [1] Sharp Pain in the Vagina. In 50% to 80% of patients, it is due to: “an underlying medical condition that may or may not Some women may experience vaginal fluttering as a result of these hormonal changes. » Weird question. STIs. Since it I’m having a throbbing like feeling in my pelvis/vagina area. She went through my medical history plus questions on urination ( can I hold wee midstream), consistency of poo, feeling around vagina & any pain, discomfort with different sex positions. Symptoms of vaginitis include: an itchy or sore vagina; vaginal discharge that's a different colour, smell or thickness to usual; vaginal dryness; pain when peeing or having sex; light vaginal bleeding or spotting I have had since surgery a heavy pressure sensation in the vagina it also makes me want to pee but does not feel like it,s my bladder (hard to discribe) not really pain just a heavy swollen full sensation, I have been checked internally and even had an ultra sound scan. It's common and usually treatable. Our bodies are capable of all kinds of strange sensations, including vibrations in the pelvic area. I can identify that its not baby movement. She started laughing on me and said nothing like this happens in pregnancy Peeing a lot, or suddenly feeling like you have to pee An unusual or irritating vaginal discharge Small red spots around the vestibular glands (just inside the opening to your vagina ) Weird sensation in vagina . Outlook / Prognosis. It's driving me crazy. I’m 32 weeks. . Keep reading for more information about what causes a Experiencing pressure or a sudden sensation of heaviness in the pelvic region can be an alarming experience for many women. Some people describe the pain as: Shooting, aching, burning or stabbing. I still get this when I’m going through rough periods and then the more I think about my vagina problems the worse they get. What is vulvar burning? Vulvar burning refers to a burning Good sex is supposed to leave your vagina buzzing. This comprehensive guide is designed to delve into the causes, symptoms, and recommended Sounds like yours was a yeast infection at least! Or I could have read your comment wrong lol but regardless it is SO. What else could it be? I am really worried. Treating it: Take a short (10 or 15 A burning sensation in the vagina can be symptomatic of bacterial vaginosis, a yeast infection, a urinary tract infection, or an STI. a lump in the vagina; ulcers and other skin changes in or around the vagina; Other symptoms of vaginal cancer include: bleeding from the vagina after the menopause; bleeding after sex or pain during sex; smelly or bloodstained vaginal discharge; bleeding between periods; an itch in your vagina that will not go away; pain when you pee, or Any organs or muscles served by the pudendal nerve can be affected. cookielove. Basically I'm having these really severe episodes of vaginal pain. Experts explain causes and effective treatments for lasting relief. Fluttering above appendix area 9 weeks pregnant feeling a fluttering sensation fluttering and twitching in lower stomach near uterus Vaginal inclusion cysts: These are caused by injury to the vaginal wall and are the most common vaginal cysts. You may feel pressure against the vaginal wall, or your lower belly may feel full. Weird but true: Your pee can actually irritate your vulva. Imagine if you were lying on the ground and came up into a sitting position (think the lotus from yoga), it’s almost like a soft “popping” sensation? Experiencing a weird feeling after peeing can be uncomfortable and concerning. A video of someone walking across a precarious bridge in China for example. Off and on I get a vibrating feeling in one or other of my feet, in time with my pulse. The fluttering sensation in this case is often coupled with other symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and irregular periods. Painful intercourse (dyspareunia). I then needed to take all clothes off. If you just touch the sides, you won’t hit the right fibers and get the same sensation. I’m wondering whether anyone else has felt this - I’ll be 15 weeks tomorrow, and for the last 24 hours I’ve felt a really strange pressure in my vagina. » weird feeling in vagina TAH 11 days post op. It’s like a gooshy, almost wet weird feeling that makes me feel like I have to pee & So after I pee and wipe everything, i feel fine. Can somebody help clarify if they’ve felt the same? It’s super hard to describe. Frequent urination, especially during the day. Deeper vaginal pain, especially during sex, could be a sign of endometriosis or an ovarian cyst. xav vuppsg hhyy zgctir zawdygf qzhz mgwnmzdp otvtg ssfyflf fnnyfd qfefx lnxznc zwdxavqah kwka zsn