Octoprint url raspberry pi Checked for camera log in If you want to have nicer URLs or simply need OctoPrint to run on port 80 (http's default port) due to some network restrictions, Shown below is the configuration for Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye, which uses Haproxy 2. I'd been wanting to add a webcam to my OctoPrint setup for a little while now, but I'm a professional sysadmin (ie, really, really lazy), and having to build and install mjpg-streamer manually just did not appeal. 2. In my house when I am connected with the computer to WIFI and the Raspberry Pi is connected with LAN when I write the IP in the URL I connect without a problem. Creator Pro printer profile Camera model Raspberry Pi camera V2 IMX219 What is the problem? Can not get video to show in octoprint. 🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine! 🇺🇦 OctoPrint Community Forum Edit raspberry pi camera The default hostname for the Raspberry Pi should be octopi or raspberrypi. x and is the most up to date RPi OS. Checked for camera enable in xwindows and it is enabled. I have been using the ribbon style camera and wanted to give my dad (who isn't using it lol) I bought a Crealitybox with a Creality camera for myself quickly to find out that it has connectivity issues and is far inferior to the rasberry pi (I am an The guide for installing Ubuntu on a Raspberry Pi has instructions: How to install Ubuntu Server on your Raspberry Pi | Ubuntu. The post up there is a wiki node. have already run apt get update and apt get upgrade before installing camera. Can I use a Creality camera which is usb with my rasberry pi 4? I am using my rasberry solely for 3d printing. Example -> ssh [email protected]. Hi there, new and overall in 3d printing and raspberry. Download the Raspberry Pi Imager installer, available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Octorprint installed with Octoprint_Deploy What did you already try to solve it? New to all of this so not much Have you Debian with Raspberry Pi Desktop is our operating system for PC and Mac. 2 Octolapse 0. Use the command ssh pi@<ip_address>. Acer CrystalEye Webcam: 064e:d101-f 25 -y: Tested on Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi while running Octoprint: SuperEyes Handheld Microscope B005-r VGA -y The ready-to-go Raspberry Pi image with OctoPrint. TLBradbury April 28, 2024, Now that we have our Raspberry Pi print server running and our webcam installed we need to configure Octoprint to talk to our printer. Run vcgencmd get_camera to see if the camera is detected by the Pi,. txt using notepad++ and uncommenting the appropriate lines for a raspberry pi camera. I have been fighting to get video enabled for several weeks (sometimes 6-7 hours at a time). txt but nothing happens!!1!"). I followed this guide for installing Octoprint onto the pi: https://community. Hi 🙂 First of all you can't just connect the esp to the pi. I connected it to my Raspberry Pi 3B+ via an USB cable, the LED turned on, and then I'm stuck. Is the raspi cam a 4:3 camera? Also, how did you get to the settings pages in the screenshots above, where you can set the camera 1 ) Hook up your raspberry pi to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Just download it, flash it to an SD card and you are good to go -- you can follow this excellent video guide by Thomas Camera model ESP32 camera module What is the problem? Can't set it up, can't figure out stream URL. After the boot is complete, you will see the following: octopi login: pi. Use that IP address to SSH in or just keep the Pi hooked up until you are done setting it up. Hello guys thanks for the welcome into the forum, i was wondering if you guys could give me a tip on how to connect my Raspberry pi touchscreen to Octoprints touchUI plugin, I have all of the graphical interface files downloaded already to the Raspberry pi so I think I’m good with all that. First of all I can not choose what type of raspberry pi 4 to buy. The snappy web interface for your 3D printer. 12. I use the tasmota firmware on my esp32-cam and it works well for me. See this guide for enabling camera controls within Octolapse for the raspberry pi camera. For this tutorial, we’re using an Ender 5, which requires a USB-A-to-mini-USB cable. Download Raspberry Pi Desktop. zip (47. Go to Settings -> Octoprint -> Software Update Click "Check for update Now" and follow directions. These are the steps I used to get it up and running as it is slightly different to what is listed above. This is the fork that is shipped on the OctoPi SD card image for the Raspberry Pi. Now it’s time to log in to your newly installed OctoPrint and configure it to get started. I tried doing that myself, although it's not going so hot. What did you already try to solve it? I can ssh into the my pi, see the text "Access OctoPrint from a web browser on your network by navigating to any of:" that list the If you are building your own Canvas Hub, you'll be able to connect your printer and Palette via OctoPrint to control, load, and start your print files. txt (raspi to usb + allowing control. If you want to reach your printer by typing its name (the hostname of the RasPi running OctoPrint) instead of its IP into your browser's address bar, then you can use the Raspberry Pi Avahi setup (See only section "The flexible way: set up These are the instructions for setting up octoprint on other devices and there is no mention of how to set WiFi for the other devices. I assume you should be able to find wherever you got the Ubuntu image from will have instructions on how to use it. 19. Raspberry Pi Camera v1 5MP Video and pictures is upside down because the ribbon cable is exiting from the top, so the camera board is oriented upside down, but I can't change that due to the configuration of my camera mount. 2 on Raspberry Pi 4, fully updated\upgraded fresh install of Octo everything Octo-wise works fine, but when attempting to get the Raspberry Pi Cam to auto start, I get notta! I can manually start the cam, and it works as expected, just not as a daemon followed the instructions here to a TEE. Hi, I have bought my first Raspberry (Raspberry 5 8 GB) and want to use Octopi to control my Ender 3V2. if your into video games old and new and are ever in leeds, come by my work (ARCADE CLUB LEEDS) and ill be sure to let you both in for some gaming 🙂 now to check my camera resolution can i do this from within I have been struggling to get a timelapse from my Octoprint using a Raspberry Pi camera v1 (ov5647). Any tip will be greatly accomplished. Then trying again. With OctoPrint installed, you can Depending on your Raspberry Pi model, this may take a little while to show you a page, but sooner or later OctoPrint’s web interface will greet you with a prompt to set up your OctoPrint Hello, I wanted to ask how I can connect to my Raspberry Pi remotely. the RPiCam v3 and newer ArduCams, as well as USB cameras. It involves taking the sd card out of the raspberry pi, inserting it into your PC, opening octopi. Your Raspberry Pi will boot up automatically. 🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine! 🇺🇦 OctoPrint Community Forum Octoprint no serial port found. It seems that if you set the resolution values to be a 16:9 set, you get the zoom issue. This will, as a side effect, also give you access to control. This guide only details how to install OctoPrint on to an already working Linux device. 0 or later - see the OctoPi releases for release information. 0 Raspberry Pi OS Lite: Bullseye. and still could not get it to work. What did you already try to solve it? Checked Blue stripe was pointed toward USB's and towards back of the Install The Rasberry Pi OS. You won't find that answer on the community And despite being such a powerful and useful upgrade, OctoPrint isn’t very difficult to install, especially on a Raspberry Pi board. camera_raspi_options="-x 1296 -y 972 -fps OctoPrint 1. What did you already try to solve it? I've installed several plugins that will use I was installing the following Camera in my Raspberry Pi 4 to use the Octopi Camera modes, but it does not work yet. This guide explains how I Arducam Camera Module for Raspberry Pi Pico Arducam Camera Module for Raspberry Pi Pico Solution On OctoPrint 1. I installed the latest version of Buster on my pi I gave it a memory split of 128MB to GPU. camera-streamer supports libcamera based cameras incl. Before you power up your Raspberry Pi, if you’re using a USB webcam or the Raspberry Pi Cam, plug it into any of the USB slots or the Raspberry PI Cam headers. Finally gave up and went back to my old stand by way of installing using Balena and I found the same thing. Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ) OctoPrint: 1. See also the documentation for more I can't seem to find the 'webcamd. 0, running on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Rev 1. The Setting up OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS (Debian) Get Help. 6. One should verify that OctoPi boots and that the OctoPrint web server works. Help. Tested on Raspberry Pi 3B running Octopi 1. However, now whenever I turn the pi off and then turn it back on, the network address (url) changes. Yes I do. So I did a little reading and figured out how to set up a streaming mjpeg server using tools I already had installed on my Pi - ffmpeg. Now I managed to set up the wifi connection, I gave it a static IP address via DHCP, and I see the camera feed when accessing it via my browser: However, it does not work in OctoPrint. Which people then get confused about ("I created /boot/octopi. ** **Not sure how to find and copy logs?? What is the problem? Stream doesn't load. 0 is OctoPi - the complete solution for a Raspberry Pi. Setting up the Raspberry Pi: Connect the Raspberry Pi to the monitor, mouse and the keyboard and power it up. It has been extracted into a standalone project to allow for a different release cycle, but is still considered a bundled plugin. What did you already try to solve it? Tried different OS versions. The following steps will walk you through how to install the necessary plugins if you already have a Raspberry Pi with OctoPrint and would like to create your own Canvas Hub. The camera arrived with a board with USB connection. If for whatever reason you need to manually update OctoPrint though, see the following steps. Any ideas? image 1238×740 185 KB. Plugins. Now I am trying to add all my plugins, Raspberry Pi 5, CR-30, plugins install. It doesn´t show up on stream. Raspberry Pi board. 0 running octopi 4. No Systeminfo Bundle octoprint-systeminfo-20240109164049. 0 image straight from the url with Balena. SSH into the Raspberry Pi with the default login. 1. 10 ipOnConnect 0. I have a possible idea that could fix it. This thread is about installing OctoPrint on an existing Raspian installation. ; Completely control the theming of OctoPrint’s UI So 0. OctoPrint on OctoPi will offer to update itself automatically via the bundled Software Update plugin when a new release is out. Ran all updates, upgrades, and even a dist Using a Offical Pi Camera V2. Before I could do a test print, the network had a modem/router change from Spectrum (listed at end). txt. Post has been updated to address this issue, now uses venv I recently got myself an ArduCam 16MP Autofocus camera to run as a monitoring camera with my Raspberry Pi 4B. 1 on a Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB on a 32GB micro-SD card running the latest OctoPrint version 1. Here is a guide on how you flash it on the esp: I know it seems Camera model Raspberry Pi module 3 What is the problem? When I load a clean install Bullseye only OS, the camera works. 4 KB) Additional information about your setup latest octoprint version, raspberry pi zero 2, ender 3 neo. And that's it for now I think. In the OctoPrint UI I have changed the settings under "Webcam & Timelapse" to the following: Stream URL: What is the problem? I cannot find a way to use my connected and functioning DS18B20 sensor to provide chamber temp on the temperature screen. Today I am "upgrading" from C920 to a raspberry camera. I connected it to my Raspberry Pi 3B+ via an USB cable, the LED OctoPrint supports many webcams, such as IP-based network webcams, USB-based webcams, and the Raspberry Pi Camera Module. Start by installing OctoPi on the Raspberry Pi computer. Nor is it showing up in the logs in Octoprint. Flash image onto your SD Card: OS and Kernel version: 3. I'm running OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi OS installation. This plugin was bundled right with OctoPrint's sources until version 1. Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W: 3 Custom Snapshot URL: Provide a custom URL or IP camera URL for PiNozCam to fetch camera images from instead of the default snapshot URL. Just that simple from what I can tell. Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ) Octoprint version Version 1. htm access) config as shown in the guide should be good enough if you don't Once the flashing is complete, insert the MicroSD card into the Raspberry Pi. I was utilizing ChatGPT, FAQ, started over by flashing Octopi and New Camera Stack, etc. @guysoft, looks like you will find the RTSP URL I had trouble several weeks ago connecting my OctoPrint pi to my network - the pi was not recognized on my network when using Octopi. but the stream URL is not working. Anyone who's been on this forum long Hello, is there some update about support of raspberry pi camera V3? I saw some note in New OctoPi Release: 1. What is the problem? Raspberry camera not working What did you already try to solve it? Reboot Pi several times both with printer turned on and turned off. Have run raspi-config and enabled camera. MJPG-Streamerfor live viewing of prints and timelapse video creation, compatible with variousUSB webcams See more Connect your 3D printer to your Raspberry Pi using the appropriate USB cable for your printer. Post has been updated to address this issue, now uses venv once was good enough, your new settings worked 1 million percent for me 🙂 i cant thank you enough, both of you for your help here, greatly appreciated. Read about everything you need for your OctoPrint webcam setup. I am not using a Raspberry Pi, I am using an Orange Pi as $60 vs $150 was too much a temptation to pass up. You are right, I thought I'd added the --python=python3 to it, but yes by default that will create the venv using Py2. OctoPi, the operating system for Raspberry Pi systems with OctoPrint pre-installed, is currently available from the OctoPi Nightlies for the RPi 5 and from two stable builds for the rest of the RPi family. As such, it does not work with OctoPi out of the box. I connected the Raspberry Pi Zero W to the Einsy Board and to the Raspberry Pi Camera V2. The stream URL is used in the OctoPrint webcam view, Contribute to DrAlexLiu/OctoPrint-PiNozCam development by creating an account on GitHub. The current "stable" releases of OctoPi are based on version 11 (bullseye) but This is a wiki node that every user of this forum at trust level 1 or higher can edit. It provides the Raspberry Pi OS desktop, as well as most of the recommended software that comes with Raspberry Pi OS, for any PC or Apple Mac computer. After connecting to the OctoPrint web page, follow the prompt to upgrade OctoPrint if needed. Type in "hostname -I" and then it should spit out your connection information. 0 ( Please note that OctoPi 1. While it isn’t officially supported by OctoPrint, you can use a USB webcam instead if you have one handy, or just What is the problem? After a few false starts, I finally got OctoPrint installed using the octoprint_deploy script. html. sudo apt update -y sudo apt full-upgrade -y sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-venv git libyaml-dev build-essential -y pip3 install virtualenv sudo reboot mkdir OctoPrint && cd OctoPrint Not that there's any reason it wouldn't, but this all works great on 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS! Thanks so much for your work! Linux raspberrypi 5. I checked the logs but couldn't figure out what can be the issue or what the stream URL could be. Was I supposed to change the web cam Stream URL from default? Camera model Raspberry Pi Camera v2 What is the problem? Web Stream not loaded. log' or 'dmesg' on the path suggested. I have to search for it again with Angry Thanks for your help, well, I'm almost there! Unfortunately 3 of the 4 files were not found (wget commands), but I managed to flash the cam with a Windows tool via USB. Update Octoprint. I tried burning a new OctoPi 0. Can someone help me and do this At the cost of easy configurability through a simple text file similar to how it is done on OctoPi. Will have to test it later today, to make sure there are no extra dependency steps etc. When I run vcgencmd get_camera, it returns supported 1 and detected 0. First, by installing the official OctoPi image configured to run OctoPrint out of the box, and second, by installing the OctoPrint snap package on an already installed Raspberry Pi OS. com What is the problem? Moved printer to a new network where webcam streaming was working. OctoPrint supports the Raspberry Pi 5 and just about any system that has Python 3 available. OctoPrint allows you to monitor your 3D prints remotely. **Tried adding the -hf -vf to flip the image, in the "octopi. But considering that this part of the guide is years old by now I agree that it's time for an overhaul. 8. 0 does not yet include support for the new Raspberry Pi Camera v3. If I select the Raspberry Pi 5 Octopi is not shown in the list of available systems. ArduCam has published If you want to have nicer URLs or simply need OctoPrint to run on port 80 (http's default port) due to some network restrictions, Shown below is the configuration for Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye, which uses Haproxy 2. Derek I’m so close to getting my 7 inch Raspberry pi touchscreen the way I want it thanks to the awesome people in this forum, I just think I’m missing one thing, I want my Octoprint full screen and I just can’t seem to get it. I just did a setup on a clean install to a Pi 4. 13 on a raspberry pi 2 B+ Just curious as to if anyone else had an issue installing Octopi on a Raspberry Pi using the recommended imager? Spent several hours installing and reinstalling only to have the browser not being able to connect, even though I could connect via PuTTY and see it on my network. Issue persists. Make sure we are running the latest version of octoprint. Run the Raspberry Pi Imager and do the following: Select “Choose OS” Here are some of the things you will need to install and run OctoPrint on your Raspberry Pi. I haven't tried it yet because I couldn't find a solution and gave up and bought a regular webcam. Set up OctoPrint OctoPrint offers two installation methods. 0. (Webcam stream not loaded) Running libcamera-hello in Putty does show the camera and no errors Raspberry pi 5 with Raspberry os. Find problems, typos, or incorrect information? Please contribute. OctoPrint is an open-source software package that allows you to control and monitor 3D printers connected to a Raspberry Pi computer. log or output on terminal tab, ) I flshed the PrusaPrint image Octoprint 1. First of all I would like to connect my prusa i3 mk3s (which I am waiting for) from my networks. You can change the URL of the stream under "Settings" > "Webcam & Timelapse" > "Webcam" > "Stream URL" I confirmed that the camera itself is connected and working with the Pi, I am able to take photos IF I run the below command sudo service webcamd stop input_raspi. The Octoprint server says it can't find a camera feed. 3 running on raspbian 9. All you have to do is flash a Wi-Fi-enabled version of OctoPi to your Pi board’s Micro-SD card, How to install OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi for 3D Printing This comprehensive guide walks you through installing OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi, transforming it into a powerful tool for managing your 3D printers remotely. The generic steps that should basically be done regardless of operating system and runtime environment are the Here's a list of troubleshooting things for you: Try and open the stream URL in a separate tab on the browser window, Find the webcamd logs using journalctl -u webcamd to find issues reported,. There are also some awesome OctoPrint-themed Raspberry Pi cases to house your new printer brains. I have configured the following line into /boot/octopi. OctoPrint is a versatile application and supports many Raspberry Pi models, including 3B, 3B+, 4B, and Zero 2 W. If I select Raspberry Pi 4 I can install it. Afaik there is no way to use it via usb (you can power it via usb tho). 58+ #1245: Suyin Corp. What is the problem? When navigating to the web interface, I get a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED returned from my browser. Not sure what I did wrong here. But when I load a clean install Octoprint OS (with new camera stack), the camera is not detected. OctoPrint will only load this plugin when it detects that it is being run on a Raspberry Pi. Is there anyway to get the ability to change settings in octoprint for the raspberry pi camera? Looks like there are controls for brightness, contest ect. Connect the USB cable to the printer motherboard, then power on everything. In fact, just performing the changes that load the raspicam driver and switching the octopi. Setup OctoPrint. This ensures your privacy and the protection of your 3D model copyrights , while enabling you to receive instant If you want to have nicer URLs or simply need OctoPrint to run on port 80 (http's default port) due to some network restrictions, Shown below is the configuration for Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye, which uses Haproxy 2. I did add those rules and the standard shutdown and reboot commands do work. Hello, I´m setting up octoprint on a printer (Ender 3 Pro) for the first time. To do so, first put the MicroSD card into your computer. It doesn't come with any firmware and doesn't know what to do. I don´t know if the camera has an LED, but it doesn´t light up as well. My /boot/config. 5. I believe it's the same issue as described above. SD Card image: Download the SD Card Image. But when I'm out of the house and I'm using another internet I don't have access to Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W are not recommended as they have shown quite severe performance issues. I downloaded Raspberry Pi Imager 1. You may open a new thread with your issue. 18. It is the video stream commands such as Heads-up If you want to get OctoPrint up and running as fast as possible, it is highly recommended to take a look at OctoPi, which is an SD card image based on Raspbian already prepared with OctoPrint, Webcamsupport, HAProxy and SSL. Designed to enhance your printing process, PiNozCam introduces cutting-edge edge computing right on your Raspberry Pi. To name a few: Visualize your bed leveling via Bed Level Visualizer. If you set it to a 4:3 set, it's fine. Windows users can It will most likely become the default in the future. Password : raspberry If you want to have nicer URLs or simply need OctoPrint to run on port 80 (http's default port) due to some network restrictions, Shown below is the configuration for Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye, which uses Haproxy 2. 3. 32-v8+ #1538 SMP PREEMPT Thu Mar 31 19:40:39 BST 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linux No LSB modules are available. 4. With help from this forum, I eventually established connection and obtained an IP address. I am using a raspberry pi 4B with 4GB of ram. 2 ) Manually login as "Pi" password "Raspberry" and it should drop you to a prompt. OctoPrint plus its dependencies 2. What is the problem? couldnt fetch plugin on my brand new raspberry pi 4 with lastest stable octopi build What did you already try to solve it? reinstall twice, try to install pip manually, try to curl https://octo It might not be configured correctly or require authentication. Everything works perfect, except for the camera. 2. 9. Camera model AuviPal 5 Megapixels Raspberry Pi Camera Module 1080p OV5647 Sensor What is the problem? When I first power on OctoPi the camera works fine. I thought If you want to have nicer URLs or simply need OctoPrint to run on port 80 (http's default port) due to some network restrictions, Shown below is the configuration for Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye, which uses Haproxy 2. Also this isn't a usb webcam - it's a wifi cam. This happens on any device, computer or phone. When I want to run it though a message tells me hat my hardware is not compatible and that I shoud Out of the box OctoPrint is compatible with most of the available consumer 3D printers. And its powerful plugin system allows extending its functionality in various ways. Each camera is different, but you first want to ensure the webcam is on and connected. Please bare in mind that I'm an amateur when it comes to Raspberry pi and linux/raspbian so this is going to be layman's terms at best. txt" file but it's still upside down. Version 1. so is included in this MJPG Streamer fork by Jackson Liam which also supports the Raspberry Pi Camera. In fact, from Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye and on, only libcamera is supported. :point_up: Heads-up If you want to get OctoPrint up and running Camera model-Day/Night camera: Amazon. I don´t know where The guide for installing Ubuntu on a Raspberry Pi has instructions: How to install Ubuntu Server on your Raspberry Pi | Ubuntu. Version 0. Guy Sheffer maintains “OctoPi”,a Raspbian (and thus Debian) basedSD card image for the Raspberry Pithat already includes OctoPrint plus everything you need to run it: 1. Tried to install Octoprint manually. So, I saw a couple videos about people using a touchscreen (I'm using the 7" one from the Pi Foundation) that gives them access to an Octoprint UI. 17. âš Warning Do not use sudo for the pip command below If you need sudo in order to update your OctoPi, you broke something on your OctoPi installation (probably by Installation instructions for installing from source for different operating systems can be found on the forum. What did you already try to solve it? Tried changing/verifying the stream url - unsuccessfully. One of my biggest problems is, that I don´t underrstand most of the tips from other threads. There is no need to install OctoPrint when this is installed. . Use OctoPi v0. Camera model ESP32 camera module What is the problem? Can't set it up, can't figure out stream URL. When the pi boots up, all the startup code is displayed on the touchscreen as usual, then the bottom line on the screen says Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 octopi Hello everyone. I have already enabled camera access via raspi-config, but as soon as I test the stream or snapshot url it wont work. 0 [I-am-me] (I-am-me (Clément Satin) · GitHub) Tested on Raspberry Pi B rev 2. txt has the line dtoverlay=ov5647 so the system recognizes the camera and on the Raspberry Pi 4B 2GB command line I get a Hey, I did setup my raspberry pi 4B with raspberry pi cam. OctoPrint 1. log, serial. It uses an IMX519 sensor, which has libcamera support in Bullseye, but not raspicam. 2 on Raspberry Pi 4, fully updated\upgraded fresh install of Octo everything Octo-wise works fine, but when attempting to get the Raspberry Pi Cam to auto start, I get notta! I can manually start the cam, and it works as expected, just not as a daemon Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint. If you want to run OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi, you really should take a look at OctoPi which is a custom SD card image that includes OctoPrint plus dependencies. The setup on the OctoPi image allows easy configuration of camera parameters through configuration files in /boot/camera-streamer (or the camera-streamer on the root of the card if is used as a thumb This solved my issue on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and Raspberry Camera Module 3. Once you have a Raspberry Pi, the next step is to install the Raspbian operating system on the MicroSD card. 15. After I start to print, within 'about' 5 minutes, the video is replaced with a black screen stating: Webcam stream not loaded Clicking on the screen generates: It might not be configured correctly or require So 0. ; Create stunning timelapses that seem to just grow out of the print bed using Octolapse. I´ve read stuff about sudo raspi-config. 4 I have a Prusa i3 MK3S. lasfnc pzruar gifj lnl plwqdhm vdcr tbsrm tnbp hftlue eafrnv zfgut efblfc eefjvmfe pnqn cjb